
Emmia made her way to the library in a daze. She was mulling over the relavations that Ms Sophia had told her.

'So that's why I feel things more than other people....' Emmia thought to herself. She had always felt more pain and was more connected to her body than others. At first, she had thought that it was like that for everyone, but now she knew that she was truly sensitive.

Deep in her thoughts, Emmia didn't notice the figure right in front of her until she collided with him.

Putting on a shocked expression, Chase looked shocked that Emmia had just bumped into him.

Expressing concern, Chase asked, "Are you ok?"

Everyone passing by could just feel the concern dripping from his voice.

Emmia on the other hand was shocked by Chase's face. Unlike before Chase's face seemed normal and Emmia was doubting her previous experience.

"Y-yea, I'm fine. I'm sorry that I walked into you," Emmia apologized. Just when everything seemed alright, Chase's face flickered in front of her eyes.

His disguise falling apart, Emmia saw what was really underneath there.

An extremely deformed face with bruises and traces of abuse. Scars and divots were scattered across the face. The most terrifying part was his eyes. One of them was permanently squinting, while the other was glazed over.

Overall the face was not what should belong to any 15-year-old boy or anyone in general.

Having increased the output of his gift, Chase felt very confident.

Remembering his master's words he made sure to keep his advances at a minimum to not numb his target.

Oblivious to Emmia's shock, Chase continued, "Nono, It's my fault for not watching where I was walking. I'm sorry." Outwardly, his baby blue eyes glimmered with an innocence that would melt anyone's heart.

"As an apology, let me buy you something today?" Chase suggested, his blue eyes pleading for Emmia to accept.

If it was anyone else, they might have jumped at the opportunity at the first chance. But after witnessing what she had seen, Emmia wasn't taking any chances.

"N-no, I have some work today..." Emmia tried to reject him politely while averting her gaze.

Note the following is a delusion>

"N-no, I have some work today," the girl in front of him blushed and lowered her head bashfully. Chase chuckled on the inside. It really was too easy for him.

End of delusion>

"Then another day, I'm truly sorry," Chase put in a word and excused himself after a soft apology. He knew when to push and back off. Since he was given adequate, Chase knew he could afford the delay. 'It's only a matter of time...' he thought with a malicious smile. His true self smiling hideously in the hallways. Yet no one noticed a single thing.

Sighing in relief that the Chase was gone, Emmia leaned against the wall. Looking around, she found that a few people were looking at her in jealousy.

'What the- Did no see what I saw?' Emmia thought after seeing their looks.

Overwhelming feelings of jealousy and inferiority were directed towards her.

Feeling that it wasn't safe to stay here, Emmia decided to book it into the library and hide there from anyone who might want to pick a bone with her.

Entering the library, Emmia shot a greeting to the librarian who wasn't surprised one bit at Emmia's rush to get inside the library. What did surprise him was the small mob that followed right after seemingly chasing Emmia.

Disappearing in between the shelves, Emmia breathed a sigh of relief. Being between books wasn't as good as when she was working, but it was still very reassuring to her.

Breathing in the scent of books, Emmia started to wander between the huge aisles strategically avoiding the places that the mob was checking.

The library was one of the biggest places in Nova Academy. A huge auditorium filled to the brim with books upon books. Shelves that reached the heights of small buildings and ladders were placed at regular intervals to access the upper shelves.

Some may say it was an impractical way to store books, but it was awe-inspiring. The feeling of being surrounded by books just could not be beaten.

Emmia lost herself in the books, her eyes tracing the titles of each book as she passed them by.

"A Deep Dive Into The Oceans"


"Anatomy of Beasts"


"The City That Never Sleeps"


Passing by entire sections of the library, Emmia soon found herself in the machines section. From all sorts of books about vehicles to industrial machines, and blueprints to sketches of ideas, this section had it all.

It also had a sole person standing quietly reading a book on the "History of Industry".

Emmia paused at the entrance of the aisle to see Luna already there reading a book.

"Hey, Luna!" Emmia whispered with excitement.

Turning her head, Luna had her guard up for a second before she dropped it after seeing Emmia.

".....Hey Emmia," Luna greeted her obsidian eyes glittering in the low light of the library.

"When did you get here?" Emmia asked curiously.

".....about a few minutes ago,"

"Whatcha reading?"

"...just seemed interesting.." Luna answered showing Emmia the cover of the book.

"Ooh, I've been meaning to read it, but I just couldn't find time for it in my reading list," Emmia gave an awkward laugh.

Thinking for a moment, Luna stuck out the book as if offering to Emmia.

Noticing the gesture, "Oh no no, you read it first, I have many other books to read. Just ask me if you need any recommendations..." Emmia suddenly trailed off as she heard some furious footsteps. Two girls, possibly older than Emmia and Luna were angrily scanning each aisle to find the girl who had the audacity to reject their Chase.

"Oh no," Emmia muttered. Luna looked towards her in confusion. Before she could try to say anything, Emmia grabbed her and sped away in the opposite direction to avoid the angry fangirls.

"Quick-" Again Emmia stopped suddenly as she almost walked out of another aisle right into another two fangirls.

Backtracking quickly, Emmia soon found that they were almost surrounded. The angry fangirls were closing into them, determined to comb every section of the library.

"Do these girls have nothing better to do?" Emmia cursed under her breath.

While the girls were surrounding them, Emmia led Luna to the one location where they wouldn't or couldn't check. Stopping in front of a specific shelf, Emmia quickly pushed a few loose books aside.

"Get in," Emmia whispered urgently. Swallowing her confusion, Luna did as Emmia told and entered the shelf. Emmia followed Luna to the shelf and quickly rearranged the books behind her.

Inside the shelf, both Luna and Emmia were laying on their stomachs to adjust to the tiny space. While the shelf was thick, it wasn't tall at all.

Emmia watched the legs of the fangirls outside as they all met up in one place.

"Where is that B****?!"

"Not here, we've checked every place."

"Right, next section it is. We can't let her get away for rejecting Chase."

"On it."

Emmia felt shivers at watching the borderline obsession of the fangirls towards Chase and their anger toward her.

Hearing the footsteps get further away, Emmia finally relaxed. Turning, she found Luna staring back at her.

Finally realising the situation that they were in, Emmia felt the ridiculousness set in.

"....I can explain," she started with a blush creeping up on her face.

"pfft," A small laugh sounded out in the enclosed space.

Emmia paused and focussed on Luna. It was the same impassive face, but Emmia could almost feel the upturned lips on Luna's face.

" laughed.." Emmia accused Luna.

" must've been your imagination.." Luna responded with an even voice.

"...humph.." Emmia huffed. "You definitely laughed."


While the two whispered back and forth, a stray thought occurred to Emmia.

'Was that the first time Luna laughed in front of me?'

Emmia was almost right. For Luna that was the first time she had properly laughed in her life...