Back to the Academy

Emmia woke up to the muted noises of Seril cooking from downstairs.

'Haah, back to the academy today,' Emmia thought as she got up to get ready.

"Ow, ow," Emmia muttered to herself as she stretched lightly.

Although her body had regained its strength, it was still very sore, especially her legs.

Readying up, a little painfully, Emmia headed downstairs while carrying a couple of books and a sketchbook.

"Good morning Seril," Emmia chirped happily.

Unknowingly, a smile sprung up on Seril's face after hearing Mia greet her.

"Morning Mia. Breakfast's gonna be ready in a second."

"Mmm." Emmia hummed in response while opening her sketchbook.

There on the last page was her failed design for the Forest Crawler that she had been working on before...the coma happened.

'Now where did I go wrong again...oh right, the load is too light to be of commercial importance...'

'I should re-read the topics again.'

Skimming through the chapters Emmia refreshed her memory and looked back at her design.

'Oh, the frame could use some tweaks...I think I should consult another book for a better design.'

'I don't think that the wheels can be made better, maybe if I can find a different material...I should look it up in another book.'

'And the engine, I think I can make it-'

Emmia was forced back to reality when she felt an ear-bending pain.

There Seril stood with a frown on her face as she pinched Emmia's earlobe between her fingers.

"Mia, are you listening?" Seril sighed.

"Yes! Yes! It hurts!" Emmia yelped as she tried to pry Seril's hand away from her ear.

"Good to know that you can still feel pain there," Seril said dryly as she let go.

"Now clear the table of all these books. How many times do I have to tell you, books are banned at the dining table." Seril scolded.

"Yes, yes," Emmia readily agreed and swept all the books into her bag.

"Eat. And next time pay attention to your surroundings," Seril finished her mini-lecture and placed the steaming plate in front of Emmia.

"Mmm," Emmia hummed, already getting lost in her thoughts.

'I think I can make a design now!' Emmia thought excitedly.

Digging into her plate of fried eggs with a side of wild bacon, Emmia had never felt her mind to be so...clear.

'I guess all I needed was a break to recoup my thoughts,' Emmia thought happily as she munched on her meal just as cheerfully.

'She's in a good mood.' Seril thought raising an eyebrow.

After finishing the meal, Emmia grabbed her bag near the table.

Feeling that it was full, Emmia headed out passing Seril on the couch.

'Hmm, hmm need to make up classes and then I need to work on my design.'

"See you Seril!" Emmia called out as she left the house, taking her id card that was hanging behind the door.

"Bye Mia," Seril said readjusting her light beanie on her head as she started to work.

'Now that I think about it, my next shift is this Tuesday. I have the weekend to work on it!' Emmia grinned. She just needed to borrow the books that she needed and she was set for the weekend.

"Hmm hm hmmmm," Emmia hummed in an odd tone and made her way to Nova Academy.


"Good morning Mr. Gavin," Emmia greeted her homeroom teacher.

"Ms. Struze," Gavin nodded and returned back to his meditative state.

'Still so cold,' Emmia huffed silently and headed to her seat.

There, beyond all odds, was Icarth sitting in his seat.

"Hey," he greeted, his pale red -

'Wait no. His eyes seem darker,' Emmia noted with curiosity as she looked at her brother.

"Heeyyy," Emmia grinned and slapped his shoulder.

"Did you miss me, bro?" Emmia asked with a certain tone to her voice.

"Maybe," Icarth gave a lazy answer.

"Aww, just say yes or no," Emmia pouted.

"Although I know your answer is yes." Emmia's grin returned to her face.

Icarth rolled his eyes and rested his head on his desk to presumably go back to sleep.

Away from Emmia's eyes, Icarth's lips curled into a smile.

"Hey don't turn away from me," Emmia prodded and poked Icarth.

Too sleepy to retaliate, Icarth decided to let Emmia just get tired of bothering him for now.

'If he thinks I'll just leave him be after a while, then he's getting another thing coming-' Emmia's thoughts were stopped as she completely abandoned bothering her twin.

"Hi Emmia," Luna was standing in front of her desk, her face as expressionless as always, but today Emmia found that fascinating.

Luna's doll-like face, her obsidian black eyes filled with warmth, and her long black hair swept down past her shoulders.

"Hi, Luna!" Emmia greeted her friend cheerfully.

Suddenly remembering, Emmia bolted to her feet and leaned forwards, and started to question Luna in front of her.

"How are you?"

"Are you okay?"

"Seril said that you were admitted to the hospital after helping me?"

"Are you really okay?"

"Should we go to the nurse just in case?"

A deluge of questions poured out of Emmia the next second like a dam that broke.

'What, wait, what, what,' Luna thought panicked. In front of all these questions, she didn't know how she should answer, not to mention where she should start answering.

"Calm down." Unexpectedly it was Icarth who came to her rescue.

Pulling Emmia back into her seat, Icarth massaged his ear with the other.

"Don't shout, my ear hurts from that you know."

"Are you saying that so that you can sleep easier?" Emmia narrowed her eyes.

"If you know, then why ask?" which almost prompted Emmia to smack her twin on the head.

Having given his mind to Emmia, Icarth laid his head back on the desk.

His red eyes, no longer pale in color, looked at Luna thoughtfully.

'She helped my sister wake up? I'll have to ask what that's about.'

Shelving that thought for later, Icarth slumped and assumed his classroom resting pose, and decided to get some sleep.

Having gotten some time to think, Luna finally answered Emmia.

"...I'm fine. I don't need to go to the nurse."

"Are you sure," Emmia asked while peering into Luna's eyes.

"...yes," Luna said.

"Okaayy," Emmia then pulled her to her seat.

"Now how many classes did I miss?" Emmia asked Luna seriously.

Surprised, Luna just stared at Emmia for a few seconds.

"...don't you go to Sefir for.... makeup notes?" Luna asked confused.

"I actually think he'll kill me if I ask him for all the notes in one go," Emmia confessed while averting her eyes.

"Besides I need to know what I missed in the first place."

"Also I think you'd be more patient," Emmia added with a smile.

Nodding, Luna took out her notebooks and started leafing through the pages with a small smile on her face.

Scanning all the topics she started to recite the topics that Emmia missed.

"..In Wildlife Bio, you missed the Classification of trees versus Hyper growth type plants, the classification of herbs, the....." Luna started to drone on as she started with her favourite subject.

"Hold on, let me write this down," Emmia stopped Luna after a thought.

'I missed a lot...' Emmia cried internally, her plans for a special weekend getting torn to shreds after just the first few topics.

Rummaging through her bag, Emmia tried to find her notebooks relating to the courses that she had.

'Huh? Where are they?' Emmia questioned while rummaging through a bunch of library books and her sketchbook.

Seeing Emmia's head deep in her bag, Luna couldn't hold her question in anymore.

"...What happened?"

"I-uh, seem to have forgotten my home," Emmia forced a smile while pulling out her sketchbook.