Chapter #7: War Paragon

[#7th Base Training Room 9:00am]

"So your saying all we need to do is to hit you just once and we win." Said Brooks.

"Yea why not just remember i will be testing your abilities and how far you are with them and how you use them." Yuki answered.

"Do we look like fools." Said Brooks.

"Yea do you think take us for fool Yuki how dear." Said Freyja.

"Huh? just do the thing the person who lands a hit I will buy them ice cream." Said Yuki.

"I won't do anything for ice cream I always wanted to fight you and see what your ranking and Ryoku was like." Said Drianna.

"Hmm you just read my mind Drianna." Said Brooks.

"Well then give me everything you got that is if you got anything." Yuki replies with a smile on his face.

"Alright then I will give you everything I got." Brooks said KNEEEENK!! Brooks activates his power and he's ranking starts to glow green his ranking was #75 which was located on the left side of his neck.

SA-KNEEEEN!!!! He waves his hands in mid air and starts to creates weapons out of thin air well swords to be exact.

So this is weapon creation Brooks should be levels above the rest he is a prodigy after just like his little sister.Yuki thinks to himself.

TEP! TEP! TEP! TEP! TEP! The leader pulls the door and walks into the room without Youta, Brooks, Drianna or Freyja knowing or seeing him only Yuki alone saw him in the room. Hmm interested it looks like Yuki is gonna test them and learn more about their Ryokus He thinks to himself.

ZZZIP-KNEENK Youta eyes turns white and he starts to close them his ranking starts to turn white also, he starts to talk to himself without anyone knowing or hearing him. "Weapons Creation I wonder if I can do that can my stars become weapons no I don't think so what am I thinking of course they can."

"Youta, Youta." Brooks Shouted.

"Huh?" Youta opens his eyes when he did his eyes and ranking turns back to normal.

"Get your head in the game." Brooks Shouted.

"Huh? oh I'm sorry Brooks." Youta replied.

Brooks waves his hand and starts to create a long swords and sends the swords at Yuki, they fly through the air with easy before reaching Yuki. Yuki

snaps his fingers and the swords stops in the middle of the air just before hitting him.


"What the." Said Brooks

"Hell." Said Drianna.

"No way you have got to be joking right how the hell did he stop that." Said Freyja.

So that's what they meant. Youta thinks to himself.

[Yesterday At Bradeema]

"I want to use the bathroom." Said Youta.

"Oh it's upstairs first door on your right." said the man.

Youta rushes to catch up with the men from early "Wait."

"Huh?" The men turns around and stop.

"Oh look its one of 7th base loser." Said The Man.

"Can you tell me what was Mr Yuki's name in the 1st base?" Youta Asked.

"Why do you wanna know kid?" The Man replied with a question.

"No reason I just want to know." Said Youta.

"He was called the war paragon the man who said to be the strongest hunter the man who surpass the 10 Paragons in power, mind and skill the man who is said to be in the same league with The Grand General Yuki was next in line to be the Grand General." Said The Man.


Yuki turns the sword around without touching them he sends them back at them faster than how he got them.

"I will try and stop them." Brooks holds out his right hand but they just get faster, "Damn it it won't stop why can't I stop them they are my weapons after all."

"If you can't stop them then i will just have to melt them." Freyja holds up her hands and the place them beside her.

KNEEEENK!! Freyja activates her power and her ranking starts to glow blue her ranking was #525 which was located under her right eye. JOKENEEEEEN!!!!!she starts to release steam from her body.

"It won't melt why." Freyja skin starts to burn.

"Damn it" Drianna rushes in front of her KNEEEENK!! she activates her power and her ranking starts to glow red her ranking was #1044 which was located on her left leg. She use her powers to get bigger to protect everyone.

Youta comes in front everyone, "So this is what it means to be a team." ZZZIP-KNEENK youta eyes and ranking turns white again. STAR LIGHT CREATION: SHIELD. DUM BUOOM The sword ls hit the shield one after another.

"Huh? oh wow" said the leader.

He blocked them I was going to stop them if they couldn't but I guess he blocked them with Brooks Ryoku or was it his weird. Yuki thinks to himself.

Drianna walks up to Youta and hold him by is clothes "Damn it why did you do that moron."


"I was going to block it and protect everyone." Said Drianna

"Oh but you would be hurt at the same time and i don't want that i rather take all the damage you know because we are a family aren't we?" Youta replied.

Brooks walks up and cop him in the head "Don't say you rather take all the damage just say i rather protect you because we are family sounds better right?"

"I guess." Said Youta.

Drianna push Youta. "Geezz just stay away from me i don't need your protection damn it i don't need a boy from the slums to do so."

"Driannaa!!!! that's enough." Yuki Shouts.

"Now now let her speak Yuki so its because your royalty you think you can look down on him in this base no one is royalty or not in this base we are one family my family." Said The leader.

"Yes sir." Drianna replied.

"So that was great i like the fact that you guys wanted to protect each other and not just that you all did a good job of doing it. Oh yea your suits is ready you guys can go and pick them up but before that I would like to talk to you bout king youta."