Chapter #15: WMC Loose In The City Part 1

[Mess hall Early morning 8:00am]

Youta sits around the table TEP! TEP! TEP! Yuki walks in in his PJs yawning " Youta your all dress up you got a date?" Yuki asked Youta.

"I do."

"No way don't tell me you score one of the ladies in the base my man so who is it." Yuki takes a sit Infront of Youta.

Youta looks down on his clothes "Wait don't tell me its Drianna." Said Yuki.

Yuki gets up out of the chair "No way remember to use boots hahaha." Yuki takes up an apple "Have a good time if anything comes up I will send out Brooks and Freyja to do it so have fun." Said Yuki.

"Ohk thanks I guess." Said Youta.

TEP! TEP! Drianna walks into the mess hall "Are you ready?" Drianna asked she was wearing a white sleeveless top with a black skirt with a strap up black slippers with heels.

"Yea let's go." Said Youta.


They both sit beside each other "No way you never yet been on a train." Said Drianna.



"Because I couldn't and if I could I wouldn't because my family would still be the poorest out of everyone." Said Youta

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Don't worry it's not so bad you know I love my mom's cooking and my dad's stories plus me and my dad would training every morning."

Drianna starts to smiles damn he's not half bad he's so I kind and he talks good about his parents. she think to herself.

"Youta I'm going to be your tour guide I'm going to take you shopping then for lunch you I will get an big surprise at the end." Said Drianna.

He smiles "I'm looking forward for that." He replies.


"Bleeh!!" The Hunter throws up blood damn it I got to get out of here somethings up with this WMC I need to find a way before I'm die just like the others. She thinks to herself.

She takes out her gun and fires at the WMC but before it could touch the WMC she activates her Ryoku and control the bullets the WMC Hits away one into the air but the rest hits the WMC.

"EXPLODE!!!" the bullets explodes even the one that got hit away.

HUFF! HUFF! "Why such a strong WMC so close to the surface it doesn't matter because your dead now I should go home."

[Surface few minutes after]

["The next stop Toeki Vill"]

"Oh that's us." Said Drianna.

Drianna and Youta gets off the train while the hunter gets on you turns around and looks at the hunter getting on the train.

"I didn't know the hunters take trains." Said Youta.

"Same here it looks like she came from a mission though." Said Drianna.

The train drives off and out of nowhere the same WMC from earlier runs behind of the train and force opens the door.

"Wait is that a WMC." Youta dashes off.

"Youta what about our date? damn it." Drianna runs after Youta and grabs him.

"Huh" he looks beside him and see Drianna.

"I have a short cut." She activates her Ryoku and stretches her left hand and grabs on to the train.

"No way." Said Youta

She smiles "Let's go."

[Inside the train]

"Eeeeeek No way."

"What the."

"An WMC."

"We got to get out of here."

The passenger starts to make noise and push.

The WMC finds the hunter the hunter stands up.

"Your coming with me." Said the WMC

No way it can talk. she thinks to herself.

Out of nowhere Youta and Drianna crash through the window Youta kicks the WMC in its face "She's not going anywhere with you."