Chapter #36: The Encounter

"That's a nice name, Jessie," Youta commented, his voice imbued with genuine appreciation.

"Not really. My dad is the worst; he named me after his first dog," Jessie replied, a touch of wry humor coloring her words.

Youta's eyes twinkled, a soft smile playing at his lips. "Aw, I think that's cute."

A snort escaped Jessie, tinged with a hint of sarcasm. "Of course, you do."

Youta's laughter, a melody in the air, erupted like a bubbling spring.

However, Brooks, the mischief-maker, interjected with a playful grin, "Wait, no, he shouldn't be doing so well! That girl over there liked me but I wasn't doing so well"

Freyja's words like a calm breeze. "No, she didn't."

Contradicting Freyja, Drianna's gaze shifted with an intensity that could melt steel. A storm brewed beneath her exterior, a silent declaration of disdain for the girl in question.

Freyja, the concerned friend, inquired gently, "Drianna, you okay?"