Your Weakness

/Eliana's POV/

I really should stop drinking. My morning was supposed to be great however, I just woke up with a huge headache thanks to alcohol. I tried to open my eyes but the sunlight reflected into my orbs making me squeeze my eyelids immediately. I groaned and turn to the other side of my bed.

'Who the hell changed my sheets?' I said as I saw a white sheet on my bed. 'Wait, this is not my bed.' I scanned the room. 'this is not my room either,' suddenly someone came inside the room.

"Well, good morning, Miss. Sleepy Head," he said approaching me with a cup in his hands.

"Good morning, Mr. Stalker," I said making him roll his eyes.

"Here," he gave me the cup, "Coffee with no milk,"

"You still know my choice," I smirked, taking a sip.

"I'll leave," he grabbed his jacket.

"Wait," he turned to me. "Whatever I said last night—"

"You didn't mean it, I know." He put his jacket on. "And don't forget that we are rivals. Your weakness gives me power, and vice versa," he left after saluting.

"Right," I whispered. After seconds, images started popping into my mind.

'This is a mistake too,' my mouth fell wide open along with my eyes. I started kicking the air since there is nothing else I can do. "That's it. I'm going to stop drinking," I covered my face with a blanket. Just then my phone rang, and it was Edoardo.

*** O.T.P***

"Good morning, Amorina."

"Morning, Love," I smiled.

"Did you have a nice time last night?" my smile dropped as soon as I hear that question.

"Y. . . Yeah," I tried to sound as normal as possible.

"Good, you know I'll be leaving for Milan, right?"


"Aren't you going to come to say goodbye?" his voice was so excited.

"I don't think I can love. I'm so sorry," a pang of sudden guilt rushed through my body.

"I can understand,", he sounded so disappointed. "I love you." I bit my lip.

"I love you more," he hung up. I threw myself on the bed and stayed like that for a moment. Later, I received another call from Domenico.

*** O.T.P***

"Ma'am, I'm outside." Edoardo must have sent him.

"Coming," I hung up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. Finally, I went out wearing my coat.

As expected, Domenico was waiting outside for me. He opened the car for me and I went inside. After he closed the door for me and went back to his seat before starting the engine. I leaned back to make myself comfortable when he started to speak.

"There is something you should know," I sat properly to hear what he had to say.

"What is it?"

"We found Mrs. Gonzalez. She is at your mansion,"

"Perfect," I grinned, biting my lip in excitement.

"There is also another thing," I frowned. "the police think that you are behind the disappearance of Gonzalez," he sighed.

"I know," I diverted my gaze to the window.

"Mr. Mario is also highly involved in your case. He is helping them with their investigation," I scoffed.

"So you're saying that all my enemies are gathering all of their forces to take me down," I heard him chuckle. "Interesting," I crossed my legs spreading my arms and feeling my moment.

"Just be careful, I don't want you to get hurt," I smiled.

"I will."

"We're here," he said parking the car in front of the big gate of my mansion. I opened the door and went inside. I don't like all the formalities if it's just me. I rushed inside and went to my room. After taking a quick shower, I changed into my black hoodie. I wore shorts inside it then tied my hair into a messy bun and finally went to my guest.

She was in the basement so I took the lift and went to her. The basement was dark the only light that leads the way is the light that was inside. I started clapping as I approached her. She was tied to a chair and her mouth was covered in duct tape. Worry took over her face when her eyes met me. I pulled a chair in front of her and removed the tape harshly making her hiss. I finally took the seat in front of her crossing my arms and legs.

"Do you like your room, Clara?" I tilted my head. She shifted her gaze to the empty wall. "You don't like it?"

"You're going to regret it!" she gritted her teeth making me laugh out loud.

"Really?" I rested both of my legs on the ground and put both of my elbows on my knees, "how exactly?" She went silent. "That's what I thought," I put my hands inside my pocket.

"You're not going to get anything from me," she smirked.

"What a pity," I pouted. "So why did he send you this time? Is it one of his games?"

"Go to hell!" she glared at me.

"My seat is taken," I gave her an innocent smile. "By your child," I smirked as I see her lose the confidence she had.

"Leave my child out of this!" she pushed herself forward. Her eyes are about to pop out.

"I will," she took a breath. "Once I found that bastard,"

"You can't—"

"He dies then,"

"Try me!"

"Okay," I signaled one of my men to bring her child. "I like your confidence, by the way," just then, her son came blindfolded. His tears were streaming down his cheeks, and his whole body was shivering.

"A. . .Adrian," she almost whispered.

"Mama," he tried to turn in the direction he heard the voice from.

"Now, how should I start?" I put my fingers on my chin. "He is afraid of high—"

"No. No. No," her head started shaking continuously.

"You're right maybe. . ." I tilted my head, "burning him—"

"Please, no," she sobbed. "I'll do whatever you want,"

"That's a good start," I slowly approached her and bent down to her level. "Now who the fuck sent you?!" I looked dead into her eyes.

"I. . . don't know who it is. I just get the message through the envelope. They deposit money to my account a week before their order," her breath was still shaky.

"How did you come to me then?" I put my hands inside my pocket examining her words.

"You found me this time," I laughed at her statement.

"Do you seriously think that I would fall for that?"

"Believe me. I was about to go to Mexico when your people found me. I didn't even get to hide my son."

"You will stay here for the time being. Think about the things you can tell me to save your son," I signaled my men to take her son and left her screaming.

Later, I changed into my office outfit and went there. I'm a busy person, but at least I get to set my mind on something. My secretary gave me a bunch of documents to sign and I'm now looking at them. It's a really tough day, besides Edoardo is not here to help me. Just then a knock on my door caught my attention. It was my secretary.

"Ma'am, there was a call from the bank. They said that the amount we asked was beyond their capacity. They need time."

"I've already made it clear to them. So, don't answer their phone before April 10. Is there anything else?" I said not removing my eyes from the files.

"The jewels have arrived. They want you to sign," she gave me another file. I sighed as I take it. "Ah, someone dropped this envelope," she hand it to me.

"You may leave," I said and proceeded to see what was inside. It was a piece of paper and some photos. Tears start to form in my eyes as I see the picture. It was a beautiful young girl smiling at someone. I couldn't see who she smiled at but her smile was magical. I can stare at it for the rest of my life. I then looked at the other photo and my heart started beating faster. I dropped the photo and pushed my chair back. My hands started shaking and tears started flowing from my eyes uncontrollably.

"L. . . Let's. . .d. ." I pushed my chair forward and picked up the letter sucking my breath.

'You promised her to find me. Yet, look at you, whoring around instead of keeping your promise. This is why she never wanted you to be a mafia,' I can feel my blood boil at every word. I throw everything that was on my table.

"I will make you wish for your death when I find you!" I breathed heavily. At that time, there was a knock on my door. I fixed myself and put the photos inside my drawer after I kissed it. "Come in," I said not caring about the mess I just made. It was Anna.

"What is it now?!" I sucked all the curses under my breath.

"Nice to. . ." he glanced at the floor, "see you again," he smirked.

"Sir I—"

"Let him be, Anna. You can leave," she gave me a nod before leaving. "What is it, Detective? You couldn't survive a day without seeing my face?" I said with a smug on my lips. He put a piece of paper on my table. I took a glance at it and scoffed.

"Do you want to call anyone before coming?" he said, pitifully. "I mean, you're a woman who needs a man beside you," I was tired of this.

"I'll come alone," I stood up and slowly approached him. "After you," I smiled. He went before me and my smile changed into a glare. "I have signed all the documents, except for the last one," I told Anna on our way.

"You're not expecting me to open the door for you, right?" he raised a brow.

"I'm not expecting respect from someone like you," I opened the door and went inside. He followed and went to the driver's seat. I squeezed my hands together, knowing that I'm gonna face this all alone.

"You can call E—"

"I'm fine," I was saying to myself.

"As you wish," he took a turn. I dug my nails into my skin to stop myself from crying. He finally stopped the car and I sucked my breath. "Are you sure you're not gonna call anyone?" he really wants to prove that I'm weak, and I'm not letting him do it.

"Let's get this over with," I said not looking at him.