Solder and His Queen

/Eliana's POV/

"I knew it," he pocked his tongue through his cheeks.

"I'm so tired, Edoardo. I already have a lot going on in my life. Arguing with you over some stupid shit is the last thing I want to do," I got up from that chair and sat on the other side. He didn't follow me, thankfully.

'Please be seated,' the earpiece finally started working. After some uncomfortable sounds, the man spoke again.

'Today this court is assigned to hear the debate between Mrs. Paula Bianchi's attorney and the central police of Sicily's attorney. Is the accused present?'

'Mia Da Silva, on behalf of Mrs. Paula Bianchi present.,' it was Mia's voice.

'Is the attorney of the accuser present?'

'Antonio Ricci, on behalf of the central police of Sicily, present,'

'Accused can you tell the court your name, age, and address?'

'Paula Bianchi, 32 years old, and I live in—' Alessandro stood in front of me.

"Did you guys argue again?"

"Stick to your business," I turned to the other side.