Chapter 14: Packing

As soon as Liam opened the door to his apartment, Blue reeled back a few steps.

"I'm not g-getting in t-there." She mumbled and took a few steps so that she's more in front of Mar's apartment now.

Understandable. Liam isn't an omega, so he doesn't know how much pheromones and scent they created from their brief activity, but if Blue can smell it bad, they have to move. The black haired alpha chuckled and typed the password into his place.

"You know, I wanna cook." Mar said after he closed the door behind them.

His apartment is identical to Liam's, from the plain creamy walls to the tiny dining table with two uncomfortable chairs; even the ugly green couch and the very inconvenient coffee table in front of the TV which everyone walks into on their way to the kitchen from the bedroom. The only difference is Mar's apartment looks more lived in, a couple of nicely folded tissue paper on the round little dinning table, a book with a bookmark on the coffee table next to one of his three laptops, the dishwasher is actually full of dishes and some plants lined the path towards the bedroom. The blond alpha didn't think much and made himself home on the green couch. It's not their fault they're not allowed to choose the furniture, but they can at least move it.

"I should've p-paid for your g-groceries if I knew you wanted to cook." Blue sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen.

"Nah..." Mar shooed her away to the couch where Liam was sprawling over. "Bro, keep her entertained while I cook."

"I want t-to help." Blue pouted at Mar, but the black haired alpha gestured at the couch.

"Please sit down. Liam isn't allowed into my kitchen, so won't you."

The taller alpha laughed at his best friend's antics, and he shot Mar a grin. "Hey! I let you in mine! That's unfair!"

"I didn't cook in your kitchen!" The alpha argued back with a smile. "And you got like what? A single pot and pan and pancake mix."

"Don't call h-him out like that." Blue laughed and gently kicked Liam's feet. "You need real food."

"I survive on take out." The blond alpha shrugged. "I don't have time to cook during the semester. I'm getting enough calories, so I'm not gonna crash at my parents' place soon."

"S-still..." The omega giggled.

Behind them, Mar put a pot of water on the stove. Huh, they're probably gonna have pasta.

"Anyways, Blue, who did you leave your reptiles with?" Liam tried to make a conversation, and the omega nodded in response.

"My b-brother and his boyfriend Rody. Well, more like R-Rody does everything, b-but yeah, they're safe." She took her phone out of her jean pocket and began scrolling.

After a few awkward seconds, she showed the alpha a picture. Liam looked at the picture, then at her glittering eyes. There's a golden bearded dragon chilling on a couch, the same golden bearded dragon Liam saw so many times on his social media timeline. If he remembers correctly, the lucky reptile was named Roger.

Roger is definitely not in Blue's apartment judging from the tall windows in the background displaying a skyscraper view of a city. Also, a man with long dark hair was holding a giant bundle of white, which is a fifteen feet long snake Blue got from an animal shelter. The good boy was inappropriately named Raven. Liam recognized the man as Jake (not his real name, just a nickname), Blue's older brother. The blond alpha met the guy once years ago, but he showed up regularly on the news. Surprisingly, Jake is a successful entrepreneur getting interviews from left and right like a celebrity, so seeing him in a tank top tackling a python is a little surreal. Some may even say it's photoshopped.

"Ah..." Liam squinted a little, and he could see another snake just barely inside the frame of the photo. It looks like another python, but the coloration is more wild. "That one's new. Em... What's their name?"

"Oh! That's Ariana!" Blue gleefully pointed at the snake. "She's not m-mine! She's Rody's! H-he got her as a gift from m-my brother on his birthday! Ariana is a g-great girl."

The alpha smiled at the omega as she pulled up more pictures of the snakes. Liam remembered several years ago that Blue mentioned that she wanted to have a pet snake. He didn't think much about that statement, brushing it off as the omega jokingly said that because Mar was having hamsters running around.

"Anyways, how much clothes should we get? You said you'd help us pack." Liam changed the subject, and Blue gingerly put her phone away. "Give us the knowledge, Baby Blue."

"So... I know the main event is a week at the White Pearl Mansion. You know the d-drill for that one." Black eyes met Liam's blue ones. "But pack for more because you're gonna stay overtime with Mar at B-Black Water."

The omega leaned in a little closer to Liam, her face neutral but her black eyes gleaming with excitement and mischief.

"If you're using c-condoms, buy a size or two bigger. You'll t-thank me later." She giggled when blue eyes widened. Blue didn't stop there because her lips began moving again. "There's convenient stores at White Pearl, but they're n-not convenient to get to. S-so get some from here."

Mar's laugh was heard from the kitchen, and Liam was pretty sure his face was more than red at this point. The omega was ruthless in her conquest as she pointed out the taller alpha's embarrassment.

"Oooh... I s-see. You don't use condoms." She nodded wisely, a skill she learned from Liam himself. "B-but you asked for knowledge, s-so I'm giving you things I think you don't know."

"What else, baby Blue?" Mar asked from the kitchen, and the platinum blond alpha looked away from Blue to make eye contact with his best friend.

"W-well..." Blue hummed as she sat back down properly. "Wet wipes and scent perfumes to destroy evidence."

"What evidence?" Liam wheezed.

He knows exactly what she meant by evidence. Since both Mar and Liam are in the age where their scents are controllable but still very strong, when they're... Ahem... Doing sexual activities, their scents and pheromones will go haywire, as seen in Exhibit A: Liam's apartment where Blue refused to set foot into.

"If you w-want to keep your relationship a s-secret, I got your backs." Blue gave him a sheepish smile.

"Hey, hey!" Mar jumped behind Blue, putting his hands on her shoulders. The omega flinched a little, but she giggled at the black haired alpha. "Baby Blue, we appreciate your help. But we don't really wanna hide..." Purple eyes met blue ones, and Liam nodded, so Mar continued to spill. "More like we keep it on the down low, and whoever notices, notices. Yeah, it's kinda defying tradition when two alpha males mate, but it's not like our parents are gonna kill us or anything."

Their parents. That's another issue to tackle.