Chapter 28: Dyson and his Destiny

"Hi." Rex responded with an awkward wave at her, and Blue blinked at him.

Liam was about to say something for them to start a conversation, but he decided against it because he's holding the 60 pound goddess that is Destiny. The awkward tension didn't go unnoticed by Mar and Dyson.

But Dyson is Dyson, he's probably one of the few alphas in household who possess social skills.

"Rex!" Dyson's booming voice greeted the pilot. He opened his arms and walked towards his older brother with a wide smile on his face.

Whether Rex likes it or not, he's getting a hug. Dyson's light blue shirt with donut prints and blue jeans contrasted with his older brother's black T-shirt and trousers. Dyson is a few inches shorter than Rex, but that didn't stop him from hugging his brother firmly, not letting the pilot escape. Thus, Rex had no choice but to pat this younger brother's shoulder.

See, Dyson can get away with shit like hugging Rex and bringing a dog.

"I haven't seen you since forever!" Dyson finally released Rex, and the older alpha let out a deep breath.

"It's only been a few years." The pilot huffed as he looked away from his younger brother.

"Oh, come on, Rex. You didn't come back to us for six years." Mar laughed as he got in between his brothers. Purple eyes were staring daggers at the pilot, but he didn't budge. "Your vacation days must be astronomical since you didn't use any."

Rex clenched his jaw just a little, and Liam could tell he didn't want to fall into Mar's trap. Instead, he changed the subject.

"I heard you got an omega girlfriend." Rex shot back.

"Oh, Mar!" Dyson cheerily clapped his hands together. "Where's Laura? You should introduce her to Rex! She's lovely."

"We broke up." The black haired alpha looked at his companion, who's still holding Destiny. His arms are getting a little tired, but Liam didn't complain because the dog is happy and Blue is happily petting her.

"Sorry to hear that." Dyson smiled softly at Mar. "But hey, there's plenty of fish in the sea! You'll find someone one day."

The alpha took a few steps towards Liam, and the platinum blond alpha handed him his dog back. Destiny got back into her owner's arms, then he gently put her down on the concrete floor. The gold retriever immediately sat down.

"And hello, Blue!" Dyson lifted up his right hand, and the omega gave him a high five. Then, the same right hand was lifted up to Liam, who also fulfilled his mandatory high five. "And Liam. Good to see you, too."

"How's the school year?" The platinum blond alpha decided to start a fairly normal conversation.

Dyson's eyes lit up as he answered. "It's a great year! Just like last year. Though we didn't get as many kids in our classes as last year, it's still great considering the fact that they tried their best to pass with a good grade. And you, future doctor Velison?"

"As busy as ever." Liam dreaded the day he will be called "Doctor Velison" because both his parents are Doctor Velison, and his older sister will also be Doctor Velison when she finishes her PhD. "I get no breaks until now."

"Welp, enjoy your time here, buddy." Dyson patted the platinum blond alpha before he moved on to Mar. "And Mar, how have you been? I know the break up is talking a toll and all, but what about the good stuff?"

While the black haired alpha and his older brother were talking, Rex made his way to Blue. Liam could see the older alpha staring down at the little omega, and she stared back up at him with her round black eyes.

"Okay." Rex nodded and broke their eye contact. It felt like they had an entire conversation with just one staring contest that lasted half a minute.

Blue sighed and looked away from him. Her black eyes landed on Liam, so the platinum blond alpha looked away from them and pretended that he was just looking at the sea, looking at anything but the couple. The alpha was then saved by Destiny, who nuzzled her face into Liam's knee for attention. The platinum blond alpha didn't waste anything picking up the dog again and let her rest in his arms.

"Hey!" Alex's familiar voice broke their little circle of people wearing all black, except Dyson.

"Alexander!" Dyson turned his attention away from Mar and began opening his arms. He speed walked towards his younger brother, and they met in the middle by hugging and patting each other's back.

The fourth Aster's child grew up relatively normally, so Dyson grew up to be a perfectly normal adult without any problems. He likes physical touch, and he made it known. For those who don't enjoy hugs, like Liam and Blue for example, they get high fives instead.

Behind Alex, an omega female dressed in the same sundress as Blue, but the dress is a deep green rather than black. Rita let her long silky dark brown hair flow in the wind. She has a small polite smile on her face, but her black eyes said otherwise.

"Rita, how are you doing?" Dyson didn't give a damn about the fact that the female omega is probably judging someone as he gave her a high five, which she thankfully returned.

"It's been a long year, Dyson." The female omega widened her plastic smile a little. Her eyes moved to her cousin, and her friendly tone became saccharine. "Blue, there you are! I wondered where you ran off to."

The omega mentioned began fidgeting her fingers, and she took a sideway step away from Rex. "I-I was getting f-food from the kitchen w-with Mar and Liam. T-then we came here to s-see Dyson and Destiny."

The golden retriever barked at the mention of her name.

"Hold up, did you guys make a plan or something?" Alex pointed at Liam, then at Mar, then his fingers moved to Rex and Blue. The sixth Aster child was referring to their color of choice today. "Why was I left out of this?"

"We didn't really plan, actually." Mar laughed at his brother. "We're just going to a funeral."

"A what?" Dyson snapped his head to look at Mar. "Excuse me, who died?"

Liam grinned, trying his best to not laugh. Rex, who was unknowingly roped in this, was the first to reply in his neutral baritone and resting bitch face, "Yes. We buried my career in the air force."