Chapter 44: Good Things

No matter how tight Liam tied his boots, some grains of sand managed to go in there and ruin his day. The sandy beach finally receded to stony ground with gravel and small rocks lining the trail. The two alphas made their way up hill, and hopefully they'll find a steep rock surface with enough edges for them to climb.

They haven't walked this trial since Mar brought Laura, and Liam was inclined to follow his best friend wherever the black haired alpha goes, except when Laura was there. Hiking in the White Pearl Mansion territory is more of an excuse for Mar to get away from his family, climb on a mountain somewhere and clear his thoughts.

The platinum blond alpha isn't as good at climbing as his best friend, but he followed along anyways. Slender fingers latched on to a rock surface, and Mar wasted no time scaling up like he's a spider. Between the two of them, Liam is the gym rat, and Mar is the one with practical physical skills.

"Here." The sun was beating down on his head, and the platinum blond alpha looked up to see a lightly tanned hand reaching out for him.

Liam took his best friend's hand, allowing the black haired alpha to pull him up. With a bit of help, the taller alpha made it up the rock surface. His blue eyes scanned the scenery; the White Pearl Mansion was a palace of white and light gray not far away, and White Pearl City itself was seen as small specs of houses and boats in the distance. Blue sky cleared of any cloud only added to the view. The sun was killing him, yet he basked in it. He didn't fear getting sunburned because he knows his sunscreen is reliable. Besides, the air smells different, crispier and fresher than down there, and a hundred times better than in the city.

Turning around, the platinum blond alpha's eyes landed on a cliff. It looks closer than it should, but having been there many times since his childhood, he knows the Black Water Cliff is a good one hour drive away. At the edge of the cliff sat a modern house built with black concrete. It's one of the most aesthetically pleasing houses that Liam has ever set foot in.

"Thinking again?" Mar's voice had a hint of amusement in them. His hand didn't let go of his companion's since he had to pull him up.

"I'm always thinking." Liam sighed, but a smile came on his face as he did so.

"Of course, you are." The black haired alpha let out a laugh. "Some people are born nerds."

"Hey!" The taller alpha's laugh became louder as his best friend gave him a smirk.

A single slender finger pointed at Liam's chest before it patted over his heart. "You're my nerd."

"I won't be anyone else's." The platinum blond alpha grinned from ear to ear as he leaned in and planted a kiss on jet black hair.

Somehow, Liam wanted to remain like this forever. On top of a giant rock and looking at the world below them. It's so peaceful in a way that he's alone with the person he loves, and he's light above the clouds that he wishes he will never come down.

Maybe one day in the future, they'll break off from the Asters and the Velisons, their family expectations are all behind them as they move forward into the future. Liam doesn't like thinking about the future because it's always him at the top of his field like his parents are; success is expected of him, and he doesn't like to think what would happen to him if he fails to be as successful as what's expected of him to be.

Right now, he just wants to sit in the comfort of a fantasy that his best friend and him are together, and nothing is stopping them from building a house similar to the one on Black Water Cliff. His mind took him back to the days when Mar was doing gymnastics competitively, and he bent his living space to fit it. Long strands of white fabric lined the ceiling to the floor, like a seaweed forest but in pastel colors. The black haired alpha practiced his grips and swings while the young Liam was sitting on the floor reading a book out loud.

The current Liam is envisioning that exact same scenario, but they're older and more mature. Instead of hanging on the ceiling because he's afraid of losing a competition, Mar would do it just because he wants to, and Liam would read a novel out loud for him just because he can.

It's a long way to go, and for now, the platinum blond alpha just closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. Vetiver gently drifted in the air, so the taller alpha released his own scent, too.

Good things must come to an end one way or another.

"Mar! Liam!"

One of the twins was calling out their names. On the trail that led up to the rock they were standing on, a pair of messy ginger hair could be seen approaching them. The twins were dressed in tie dyed T-shirts, colorful and attention grabbing. Yet, people can't tell which one is which because the twins purposely wear the same T-shirts and jean shorts and sandals. Even their avocado printed socks were identical.

When the twins were close enough, the two alphas crouched down so that they could talk properly.

"What?" Mar shouted at his brothers even though they're close enough to talk.

"Help us up!" One of the twins jumped, but he landed back at where he started. There's a look of hesitation on his face for a brief moment before the other ginger shook his head.

Next to him, the other twin latched his fingers on to the rock and began climbing. After a few seconds, he slipped, but his twin was there to hold him.

"Help us! We wanna get up there, too!" The first twin grinned before his blue eyes moved to meet his twin's. "I'll push you up."

"Come on..." The second twin made another jump, with his twin supporting him from underneath.

Mar chuckled before he gave his brother a hand, and finally one of the twins made it up.

"Ok..." The remaining twin put his hands on his hips. "How do I get up now?"

"Liam, grab him." Mar gave his best friend a command, and the platinum blond alpha was more than glad to kneel down and lend a hand.

There's still a good five feet between their arms, and the remaining twin made his concerns known.

"I can't jump that high!"

"Liam, look after that one, too." Mar joked as he patted the taller alpha's shoulder. The twin standing next to Liam gave his younger brother a look, but he's still amused. Then, without hesitation, the black haired alpha jumped down the rock.

Supported by his youngest brother, the twin finally caught Liam's hand, and the taller alpha pulled the other alpha up. As soon as the twin gained his footing on the rock, Mar pulled himself up. The platinum blond alpha couldn't take his eyes off the sweat dropping down lightly tanned skin and the muscles moving as they were being put to use.