Chapter 49: Artist in Bed

"I can explain!" Liam shouted as he faced them, but he didn't dare to move out of his current position on his bed, one arm loosely hanging by his side and his other arm was hugging something.

He's wearing nothing but a pair of white swimming trunks, and when he turned to look at the newcomers, the spy realized the platinum blond alpha was also holding a white flower vase decorated with golden leaves.

Now that Arkham saw that flower vase, he remembered passing by a hallway and a flower vase was missing. He didn't think much about it, maybe the maids took it away for cleaning or something. Currently, the poor flower vase was emptied of flowers, and it's being sandwiched between Liam's forearm and his side.

"Bro, don't move!" Mar cried from the other side of the room.

The black haired alpha was shirtless with his grey sweatpants hanging off his hips. He's half standing, half crouching on his own bed; his pillows and bedsheets were piled up on the couch because the bed was occupied by various paint buckets, ranging from a few centimeters to several inches in height.

A canvas was set up in front of the bed, and it faced away from the door, so the new butler couldn't see what Mar was painting or how complete the painting is. Soft classical music was playing in the background, coming from a phone in the black haired alpha's sweatpants pocket.

Arkham was even more interested in what they were doing when Mar pulled out the phone from his pocket to pause the music. From the color of the phone case, light blue and white gradient, it isn't the black haired alpha's phone. It's Liam's phone.

Liam's phone was in Mar's pocket while the platinum blond alpha himself was standing on his bed, barely wearing anything and posing with a stolen flower vase. Fortunately, the White Pearl Mansion has really tall ceilings, because if Liam decides to jump, his head still has one and a half feet before he hits the ceiling.

A hand gently pushed Arkham from the doorway before the door was slammed shut.

"I won't ask." Tian Jun was obviously holding back judgment on his face, but he continued talking, "We need to talk."

The platinum blond alpha opened his mouth to speak, but the black haired alpha cut him to it.

"Liam, my buddy, my pal, my bestie, my bro for life, please don't move. I swear I'll be done in an hour." Mar put down his paintbrush and faced Tian. "This will be quick, right?"

"I need to talk to Blue." Tian Jun kept his eyes on the young master.

"Why don't you just call her instead of coming into my room?" The black haired alpha said back. "Can't you see we're busy here?"

"She blocked my number." The male omega's voice was too calm for the situation. "I tried reaching out via her other socials, but she got those blocked, too."

"Have ya tried Jake?" Liam chimed in from across the room. "She's not cold enough to block her own brother."

"I haven't." Tian's sharp eyes moved from Mar to the platinum blond alpha. "I'm just wondering if she's talking to you guys."

"Mar?" Blue eyes didn't meet the omega male's, instead they're focused on the black haired alpha.

"She hasn't blocked me yet." Mar admitted with a sheepish smile. He made finger guns at the omega male, who lifted an eyebrow elegantly at the alpha's action.

"Alright. Tell her to unblock me." Tian took a step towards the black haired alpha. His face showed no fear. "I need to talk to her."

"That's not my choice to make, but I will tell her that you wanna talk to her." The young master took out his phone and began texting to show that he actually followed through. "There. Done. Whatever she replies isn't my problem."

"Thank you, Mar. By the way..." The omega male pointed a single finger at Arkham, who tried his best to be as small as possible. "The escorts hounded him in front of my room. He's like a lost puppy. Also, be careful."

The platinum blond alpha looked at the new butler with sympathy in his blue eyes. "Lord... Arkham, you okay there?"

"Just fine, Young Master." The new butler gave the taller alpha a thumbs up even though he's screaming inside.

"If they're tryna bribe you into getting into our rooms, tell us." Mar picked up his paintbrush again. "You're new, Arkham, so they'll bully you for a while."

"Thank you, Young Master Mar." The spy let out a sigh of relief.

So... Whenever Regina and Alexa corner him again, he'll just run to find Mar? Well, that's pathetic, but at least it works. The spy himself is also an alpha, and it's humiliating for an alpha to seek protection from another alpha. However... Arkham the butler is a beta, and it's not weird for a beta to be under an alpha's protection. Also, it's horribly nice of his Young Masters to provide him help in these kinds of situations.

Meanwhile, the omega male standing in the room literally saved Arkham's skin, and he went the extra mile to walk with the butler to safety. The new butler can't thank him enough.

"I'll get going." Tian Jun turned around when Mar began painting again. "See you two at dinner."

"Splendid!" Mar chuckled, his purple eyes averted from the model on the other side of the room towards Arkham. "Arkham, buddy, can you get us lunch? I don't care what we're getting. Liam, you want anything?"

"Anything's fine." The platinum blond alpha gave a thumbs up at the new butler. "Get some for yourself too, Arkham."

"Yes, Young Masters." The new butler nodded and reached for the door.

Arkham opened the door for both himself and the omega male. Tian Jun mumbled thanks as he left.

The smell of winter followed the omega male, and the spy couldn't help but be enticed. He's undercovered, he shouldn't seek stuff like that. Not only it's against protocol, but if he keeps doing it, it will put him in danger.