Chapter 55: Bloodline

"We cannot be compared to the Asters because we are here to complement your bloodline."

"Even if the bloodline is polluted?" Mar's voice was an inch away from cracking.

"His destined master has been picked out for him, my son." Mr. Aster lifted himself out of his seat. His cold grey eyes met Liam's blue ones for a second. "Leave us, William Junior. My dear son and I need to talk privately."

Without a warning, Liam's hand touched his best friend's knee. The black haired alpha flinched just a little bit, not enough for anyone else to notice. Magenta eyes glared at the taller alpha, more confused than angry when they took in the sight of Liam standing up.

"Of course, Mr. Aster. Enjoy your breakfast."

With that, the platinum blond alpha put his hands in pockets and walked towards the door. A pair of butlers hurried to open the door for him, and as soon as the doors were closed behind him, Liam let out a deep breath that he didn't know he was holding.

What the hell was that?

He needs a walk to clear his head. A lot has happened in that span of fifteen minutes, and he needs time to process it.

Just as he's about to go to the living room, he spotted his father and mother in the hallway coming towards the dining room. His father, as usual, dressed in a white dress shirt and gray trousers while his mother prefers to wear a flowy dress, and she chose pastel green today.

They looked like angels, a power eternal couple, and they're heading Liam's way. His father's sky blue eyes are more on him while his mother showed sympathy with her soft smile. His mother usually doesn't wear makeup besides lipstick, and today she doesn't even have lipstick on.

"Mr. Aster is talking to Mar privately." Liam announced as soon as they're close enough to hear him without shouting.

"Oh, darling, we're not here to see him. We're here for you." His mother patted his cheek with her right hand, steady and hardened from years of training in a laboratory, so every touch was even. "As soon as we heard you're going to talk to Mr. Aster, we came as fast as we could."

Liam was a little confused. First, how can they know? He didn't text them nor—

"Walk with us to the garden, Junior." His father didn't give him a comforting smile nor touch him, yet his sky blue eyes were showing an emotion, a mix between sympathy, anger and sadness.

His mother easily fell into place next to his father as they walked. Their pace aligned almost a hundred percent even though they're not holding hands.

Ah, it's the little things that matter, and those little things such as the two professors putting on neutral faces like models on a runway no matter the situation and them walking at the same pace next to each other makes them seem scary to some people.

As their son, Liam was walking two feet behind them, following like a loyal little soldier. He has been this way since he was a kid, always following his parents but two steps behind them. He still does it everyday like right now, and when he's back in university to complete his internship where his father is his boss, he'd follow the older alpha like this too, always two steps behind, but their pace matched perfectly.

The back garden was a wonderful sight in the morning, and the smell of summer was in full blast, flowers and sea salt completed with birds chirping and the sound of the ocean nearby. His parents led him to a gazebo surrounded by copies of ancient sculptures. Mr. Aster decorated this part of the garden himself, selecting statues, sculptures and meaningful pieces of art to engrave into the gazebo.

In Liam's humble opinion, Mr. Aster has shit taste because really, all the sculptures were painted white, and they're all women with soft smooth skin in various stages of nudeness and gentle poses.

Well, the platinum blond alpha isn't here to admire art, he's here because he might be in trouble from the look on his parents' faces as they sat down around the white marble table in the gazebo. The alpha didn't take a seat until his mother gestured at the stool in front of them. Reluctantly, Liam sat down.

"Rex told us something important." His father began.

Fuck, Rex again? What did he do this time?

"Your relationship with Mar, darling." His mother gave him another soft smile full of sympathy, but Liam was going red with anger.

He's going to murder Rex one day or something— no, that would make Blue unhappy. Can't that guy keep his mouth shut?

"You don't gotta be angry, Junior." His father read him like a book. "I'm glad he told us this morning in a call, and we understand where you're coming from. As far as I know, Rex hasn't told anyone else. He trusts us to handle the situation accordingly."

"What are you going to do about it then?" Liam clenched his jaw.

"You know Mar's secret. He isn't what he claims he is." His mother put her hand on the table, a gesture that said her son can take them for comfort, but Liam didn't move from his position. "We have known about it since the beginning, it's a covenant between us and Marbella Silverin."

"If it's a covenant between you and her, then why is Rex in the picture?" The platinum blond alpha asked the first question that came to his mind.

Of course, his parents know that Mar isn't an alpha male, but he's an alpha female. Another big question is...

"And does Mr. Aster knows that his youngest son is what he is?" Liam added.

"Mr. Aster doesn't know. We assume that he doesn't know because we never told him." His mother sighed, and her eyes moved to her husband to signal him to talk.

His father, being the stoic man he was, looked at his son straight in his eyes. "Even though Rex was young, he and his mother were the only ones trusted to care for Mar during his infancy. No one knows other than us, Rex and his deceased mother. We intended to keep it this way, but we didn't think you would find out in the way that you did."

"How did you know then? And why was I kept out of the loop?" Liam directed his anger at his parents who told him not to be angry. "Mar is an important person in my life, and you know that."

"You were about two months old when he made the unspoken covenant with Marbella." His mother let out a melancholic sigh. "Have you heard the story of Marbella giving birth in the back of a car?"

"Mar doesn't talk about his mother." The platinum blond alpha deadpanned.

His father took a deep breath. Oh, boy. Liam's about to hear a long story.