Tonight Will Be A Bloodbath

Devin's POV

I whispered in her ear, "I am not your executor."

Sweetie turned to look toward me. "I was yours."

"No, you weren't. Not by my standards," I tried to explain. "It was by paper, a paper I never understood."

"You were aggressive with Cheery Pie?" She was still trying to work it out.

Of course I had been, she was trying to make her leave without my knowledge! I hated stepping carefully, but I didn't understand the full extent of why anyone lied about the father to her. It could be because of a plan they had that involved the weapons pointing at Wolf Waters and Wolf Islands?

Or, worse. It could be because there was just a greater chance of one of these bastards having hurt her. Either way, I would step carefully. There could be a reason no one told her that a true werewolf can smell its own cubs.