Listen to the Darlings

Sweetie curled up with her daughter. The little girl didn't ever sleep with pillows or blankets, so she just curled up next to her mother. Wolfie, on the other hand, just crawled into a blanket with pillows, looking awkwardly to Devin.

Devin was standing outside in front of everyone. He would watch them for a few hours before attempting some sleep. At that time, he would trust Billy and Sunny to help. They were resting now.

He had dug out his pirate sword from his ship. If he couldn't get caught as a werewolf, then he'd slice anyone trying anything instead. Juniper wasn't far, but he didn't need or want his help. As far as Devin was concerned, he was just another bystander he had to watch out for.

So far, nothing happened. Even though this would be their strongest numbers night, no one was trying anything against them.