Mixed Signals

She didn't know who she stuck them on? Was this woman serious? I just used my very practiced patience with her, while I felt a boiling anger on the inside. The alphabet is what I was using to locate my bastards for Devin! There's no way they'd keep those tags on once the cameras went off.

Sunny was just randomly sticking nametags on people. There were three days, including that day, to get it done. Okay, maybe Friday would be cut shorter since it was supposed to be the last day of filming. Still.

Regular names. Traits. Why did she have to pick the alphabet? Okay, I must calm down. Gentle. Pretend she is a bastard that I must be nice to. I gave her my all practiced smile. She smiled like a damn fool back.

Yes, the fake smile was working. "Do you recognize your handwriting from mine? Let's go around and see if we can refind these people."