Shadow of Fate

Saying so, Master Ghanos jumped high in the air and a golden light enveloped his entire being.

Seeing this scene, Lux was shocked, he didn't expect that Master Ghanos also had a light related ability!

'So that's why he knows so many things about Lightens, their techniques and my ability! Wait... Could he be a Lighten too?'

Lux wasn't too sure, another thing that he learned is that the human race has the most people out there and it has the most roots in other races too.

The only difference between Lightens and humans is the fact that one is born to control light, while the human race isn't necessarily worse, their control over light will be naturally much weaker.

But this could actually easily be countered by the fact that humans are beings capable of evolving.

The most liked theory by humans and most races is that it's got something to do with their Soul, but until now, nothing has been proven.