Tazanna • Did You Hate You?

Serafina was the one who had cursed all of them; she was the root of it all. However, Karl Sawada was an exception; could it be that she was in fact in love with him? I shake my head as I remember something valuable. I almost jabbed my throat with the fork. I am having dinner with Felix. Skye mentioned that it was Philippe that Serafina loved the most; she said that it was funny that it was Vic's job to take my soul when, in the past, we were important to one another. So I wonder why she did not curse Karl Sawada.

"Everything okay?" The man across from me asked. His eyebrows creased as he forced himself to smile. "You seemed to be thinking so deeply; you have barely touched your food."

"Oh, yes! I'm sorry for spacing out. Things are just more complicated than I think they are; I couldn't get it out of my head even for a minute. I wanted to solve this mystery as soon as possible."