CH 23 - Olivia's Prey

Olivia smiles at the young girl standing beside her. The girl's natural beauty is quite stunning, with her pale hazel eyes, blond hair, and the touch of dark skin are a once in a lifetime trait. Her sister was also a delicate creature, but sadly, she disappeared in the violence of the red mist. Along with her parents, leaving this tender morsel alone.

"I am sorry," Zoe says feebly.

"Sorry, for what, child?" Olivia soothes in a grandmotherly voice.

"I don't have the nightmares any longer. The Gods don't speak to me."

"I am sure they do; they probably just find new ways to do so. All you need is a teacher to help you find the way.

"No, my sister said I was too stubborn for faith. I am too curious for my good sometimes," Zoe says as she scrunches her nose, "but I don't believe that. I believe wonderment makes us who we are."

Olivia smiles as she watches Zoe shakes her head, allowing some hair to fall out of place, "I think some things need to be accepted on faith. That the Gods know better than we do."

"I guess, but I don't believe in the Gods."

Olivia gasps in horror, "You can't say that. The Gods are merciful and look out for us. They are the reason we have everything we do. Maybe not having faith is why you are all alone."

Zoe blinks back tears as her chest aches that something could have happened to Nica because of her. Shaking her head vehemently, Zoe dismisses this as she knows boys who lost their faith, but nothing happened to them. This urge is inside her to lash out, but she knows Nica would advise against it.

"Our village needs a Seer to talk to the Gods. Without it, our village will wither and die. A skin so delicately shaded is a gift of the Gods."

"I don't believe in the Gods. I am NOT the only one who has lost faith. But I am the only one that has lost faith. But why am I the only one ridiculed for it? I know plenty of boys who had to, but they aren't cursed or made to feel less than, so why am I?"

"We are Queens of our faith," Oliva says as she moves Zoe's hair into place.

"Don't you dare touch me? I recognize your voice," Zoe stands defiant as she strikes Olivia's hand away from her, "In fact, I recognize your face. But you weren't as old then. The only problem is I knew her. We are forbidden to sneak between villages, but I have. That girl, torn apart in the caves, is barely older than I am. How can there be multiple Seers when the scriptures only talk about one."

Olivia's eyes narrow, "As you know, there are multiple Gods. Each of the Gods must have a Seer. Otherwise, how would they speak to us?"

"You could speak for them. Why do they need all of us? Why is it always women? I am tired of your sick games. I saw what happened in the red of the red mist. I saw you kill my friend with those monsters. I know it was you. Do not touch me, you Monster!" Zoe screams as she steps away.

"If I am a monster, as you say, maybe it is best to obey me?" Olivia says harshly.

"No, I will not. I will not be a puppet to your fucking Gods. I will not be a pawn for monsters. That is not who I am. I had faith in Nica and never in any of you!"

Olivia grasps Zoe's arm as her face twitches menacingly. But before Olivia can spew her hateful speech, Zoe steps closer and lowers her voice, "Let go of me."

Olivia grasps Zoe's arm tighter as her fingernails become claws digging into her flesh. Olivia smirks as she expects to see sheer panic as they all do. Once Olivia reveals her power, they fall in line. They always do. Olivia grips Zoe's arm as blood drips down, a sweet intoxicating aroma. Ensuring Olivia her choice is perfect. The Oracle and his Master will enjoy this prize. "No, you will be the next Seer. I will see to it."

Zoe whispers, "My last nightmare was what happened to my father. And I swear to you the horrors inflicted upon him for touching me. Try to force me to do anything, and I swear you will experience a fate worse than death. I welcome your desire to capture me. Do it, and whatever fucking lurks in the darkness will devour you."

Olivia presses Zoe into the wall of a thatched cabin with brute force. Her eyes glow red as she reveals her true nature as the red mist encircles them. Olivia's mouth splits at the chin. Her grotesque fangs protrude as the dark blood of a snack she had the previous week rots between her teeth, "Never mistake me for a child of the Gods. For I am their strength, their messenger, and their vengeance."

Zoe is unmoved by the vile creature before her. She saw Olivia's proper form in the nightmare. There is no reason to fear her, for if she had the blessings of the Gods to kill her, she would have tried already. This creature calling itself Olivia is nothing but smoke and mirrors. If she had any power at all, she would act upon it.

Zoe looks at Olivia defiantly, growling, "I have surrendered to my protector. He hasn't claimed his prize, but I have surrendered to him. I have surrendered to his desires. My skin isn't a mark of the scurrying pestilence who fight for power. I am in the darkness, and nothing you do scares me. I belong to he who has no name. I didn't have to surrender to him because I was already his. His hand touched my skin, and his desire formed my body. I don't fear death."