CH 44 - The Arrival

As an ancient creature opens his eyes, the stale scent of regret and desire fills his nostrils. The sweet nectar of hate, hunger, lust, and passion is such an irresistible scent to awaken to. There is no greater expression of life than in the moments of suffering. The way each person experiences the levels of pain is almost exquisite.

The way that their eyes widen as they gasp for their breath. The small veins are revealed in their face as life is squeezed from them. There are many ways to torment the soul, which is quite a delightful experience. Watching a soul slowly diminish as it fades from light is intoxicating.

Closing his eyes, Azrael wonders how long the brothers had taken to prepare for his arrival. They have come to this world dozens of times, and finally, the eternal father is growing tired of them. They have failed yet again, as the place is as rancid as it has always been since the vermin have begun to walk the world.