Hero Names…Really No Use For Them

For the next week, we were left to recover from our injuries. This was such a good thing since I could have time to train Shoto and Denki. Although, I'm not sure Denki will like his life once training comes into play. He's been a little iffy about the part where he has to fight me or Kisu. He says he'd much rather fight Kisu instead of me, and I can kinda understand that. What I don't understand is why he's using Shoto as a shield right now.

"No way! You're both too scary!" Denki said before he pointed at Kisu. "You don't know how to hold back!" Then he pointed at me. "You're just scary! There's no way in hell I'm fighting you!"

"Trust me, Denki-San." I pinched the bridge of my nose, irritated. "You don't need to worry about that. And if you really, really don't want to fight either of us, then you can fight Toga-Chan."

"Why not Shoto-kun?" Denki pointed at Shoto.

"Because he still needs to work on One For All. He still has to work on his fire, his aim with his ice, not to mention he only uses brute force with his ice. And his fire hasn't even been touched ever since the Sports Festival."

Denki stared at me like I was an idiot. This dude really didn't want to train with any of us. We only had two days left of our little vacation and he just wouldn't listen to me.

"Look, Denki," I groaned. "Would you just-"

Before I could continue, a ringing noise went off. Why would people be here at my house? The five of us took the elevator back up into the house before I hurried to answer the door.

"Hey, Yuno-kun!" Mina, Ochaco and Toru yelled after I opened the door.

I looked behind the three of them and saw Izuku, Katsuki, Eijiro, and Hanta. They waved at me slightly with nervous smiles. I growled and slammed the door shut, then looked over at Kisu and Denki who looked away and whistled.

"What did you two do?" I stared at them with a glare.

"It was mostly her idea!" Denki pointed at Kisu, then ran for the door. I rubbed my head and grabbed his collar before he could reach the handle and threw him back in front of me.

"Oh, c'mon! You're always inside your house if you're not at school!" Kisu mentioned with a complaining tone. "So I just leaked your address to anyone who might be able to hang out."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and growled lowly. Before I could say anything else, Toga opened the door and said hello to everyone outside.

"Konnichiwa(hello), Ochaco-Chan!" She said, attacking Ochaco with a hug. "Let's go hang out now!"

"You were in on this?" I asked as I looked over Toga. "Don't tell me you were in on that stupid plan of theirs."

"Yuno-Chan, I didn't mean to upset you!" Toga hugged me. "We just think you need to get out more, that's all."

"They're right." Shoto joined in on the stupid "operation." "You're really pale and that's probably the lack of vitamin D. You coop yourself up in your house all the time."

"You're seriously joining in on this?" I stared at Shoto. "Fine, I'll come out if my shell. That still doesn't explain why these people are here."

"Maybe you could befriend them." Denki shrugged. "You really need them. You don't exactly talk like friends would. It's all riddles and stuff."

I could see everyone smiling nervously as they stood outside, the door still open. I can't believe I was about to do this and waste an entire day of training.

"What do you guys want to do?" I stared at my classmates outside. Their eyes sparkled when I answered them. Denki wrapped his arm around mine and Kisu did the same on my other arm. I was about to be pulled into the depths of hell. Toga and Shoto followed everyone out as I was pulled toward a train station nearby. They literally pulled me all the way. It was probably the most irritating thing ever.

"Yuno-kun, you really need to lighten up." Toru wrapped an invisible arm around me. "You're waaay to stiff."

"Yeah, that explains why I came in first place during the Sports Festival." I side eyed Denki and Kisu before blowing a strand of hair out of my face. "Why am I here?"

I looked at the the group of teenagers, then at the scene around us. A mother fucking park. Kisu and Denki just wanted me to suffer. I'll get back at those duckers, I swear. I will make them miserable for an entire month.

"Let him hang with the manly gang!" Eijiro said while pulling Toru's collar, then wrapped his own arm around me. "He's been surrounded by you girls the whole way here."

I deadpanned at the irritating situation. I was about to solve this with violence. Sure, maybe violence wasn't always the answer, but the thing is, it's not an answer. It's a question and the answer is yes.

"Get the hell away from me before I pummel you all the way to the depths of hell." I loomed over the group of overcrowding teenagers.

"Pft," Katsuki scoffed. "And I thought I was temperamental of some shit."

"Kats," Eijiro deadpanned. "You are temperamental."

"Damattero(shut the hell up)!"

Yeah, this was going to be a nightmare. I was dragged across the park by Mina, Toru and Ochaco while Izuku and Hanta watched with awkward smiles. Everyone else just gave me a shit-eating grim like they were enjoying every bit of my suffering. Whatever, this is just my life.

I just want to go home and train my damned friends.






"Tenya-kun, hey!" I heard Izuku call out to Tenya, who was wearing rain boots and a poncho, running toward the entrance of UA.

"Izuku-san!" Tenya exclaimed as he ran past the boy who held an umbrella since it was currently raining. "Why are you walking?! We are going to be late!"

"What? There's still five minutes until the first bell!"

"UA students must be ten minutes early for class at all times!"

I rolled my eyes as Toga clung onto me, underneath the umbrella that protected us from the rain. And then there's Kisu and Denki, like the idiots they are, ran through the rain and covering their head since they forgot their umbrellas.

"Oh, Tenya-kun," Izuku said as he put his umbrella away in his locker. "About your-"

"Everything is okay, Izuku-san." Tenya pulled his hood off. "I'm sorry if I worried you in any way." And he walked off.

That's right. Tenya's brother, Ingenium, was attacked during the Sports Festival. Hero Killer: Stain was the murderer. He's been murdering all these heroes he thinks that are fake. His intentions aren't exactly wrong but the way he's showing them with his actions, not so smart.

"He seems a little more stiff then usual, huh?" I asked Izuku as I closed my locker. "Normally, he'd be yelling a storm about how we're disciplined students and should be more responsible about what time we arrive to class."

"It's just his brother. He had to leave the festival early because his brother was attacked by the Her Killer." Izuku complained.

"Ughhh, Hero Killer, Schmero Killer!" Kisu interrupted by using me as an arm stand. "It's not like he's wrong about all those fakes. He's just balancing out society the easy way, and that's violence."

"Uh-" Izuku stuttered before Shoto interrupted the conversation.

"We all know that you're the only one who would choose violence right off the bat, Kisu." He said as he put his umbrella away. "It's just part of your personality."

"Are you telling me that I have a bad personality, Icy Boy?"

"Partly. I'm just saying that violence isn't always the answer."

"Oh, ok. Mister Brute Force." Denki waddled over like a penguin. "Newsflash, we all know that you would also choose violence."

"Just as a last resort." I added on.

Izuku put his hands up and deadpanned. He looked like he was a small mouse that was caught in the middle of a fight between a cat and a dog.


"So many people talked to me on my way here!" Mina said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh, yeah!" Eijiro snapped his fingers. "Me too! It was kinda cool."

"Same. People were staring at me." Toru squeaked. "It was a bit embarrassing."

I rolled my eyes as the class talked about the people of Japan paying attention to them. The fact that they seek attention from complete strangers is just, well, it's just sad.

"Morning." Mr. Aizawa opened the door to find everyone sitting down. "Good, you're all in your seats. Now, toady we're having a special informatics class."

Special? The looks on everyone's faces were full of nervous energy. Maybe it was another pop quiz like everyday. I actually took a peek in the program and all classes would be choosing…

"Code names. You're all going to pick hero names today."


"Sit down." Aizawa glared with his Quirk active, causing everyone to sit down in fright. "This is related to hero picks. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for the heroes to extend offers to first years like all of you shows that they are interested to in your future potential. These offers are often canceled if that interest dies down by graduation."

"So we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked, huh?" Toru leaned forward over her desk.

"That's right. And here are the results of the offers." Aizawa clicked a button on a remote, causing numbers and names to appear in the chalkboard. The first four, there were thousands of offers while the rest were only in the hundreds and lower. "In other years, it's more spread out but all eyes were on Yuno, Shoto, Kisu and Katsuki.

"Hah, there's such a big difference!" Denki complained, leaning back in his chair.

"Yuno came in first, Shoto was second, Kisu was third and Katsuki's…last." Kyoka snickered while saying Katsuki's name. "I mean, who would have the guts to offer someone like Katsuki?"

"You are amazing, Shoto-kun!" Momo said with a sad sort of mails on her face.

"They're all because Yuno-san helped me with strategies and training."

"Actually, it's no surprise Yuno-senpai got all these offers!" Ochaco laughed. "He's so smart and powerful! He's like a super-super human!"

"If only Kats wasn't so temperamental, he would've gotten more offers." Mina teased.

"Urusei(shut up)!" Katsuki demanded.

"Keeping these results in mind, whether anyone asked for you, you will be participating in internships with pros."

"Oh, internships?" Izuku lifted his head.

Internships. This would be fun. I already knew that All Might would reach out to his teacher since Izuku didn't have any internship offers. I knew that I had to follow him. I also knew that that Tenya would definitely choose an internship in or near Hosu since that is where the Hero Killer was last sighted, and Kisu agreed to follow Tenya discreetly.

"At the USJ, you weren't with us yet Yuno, but you all got to experience combat with villains." Aizawa continued. "It will still be meaningful training for you to see pros at work firsthand."

"So that explains the hero names!" Rikido said with excitement.

"Thing are suddenly getting a lot more fun!" Ochaco swung her arm.

"Well, the hero names are temporary." Aizawa mentioned. "But if you're not serious about it…"

"You'll have hell to pay later!" The door slammed open and revealed Midnight who had a a big smile on her face. "Because a lot of hero names used by students become recognized b society, and they end up becoming professional hero names!"

"Midnight will be making sure your names are okay." Aizawa explained, grabbing his "I can't do stuff like that. When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be in the future, and you can get closer to it. This is what it means when they say 'names are natures do often agree.' Like 'All Might' for example."

Everyone passed out to each other whiteboards. I guess we were doing this now. I have never seen a use in "code names." Like in the underground arena where villains gather, I was only known as Technician because of Kisu. It was such a dumb name she could've come up with.

"All right, anyone who's finished, come present your name!" Midnight smiled.

"We're presenting these?!" Eijiro excliamed.

"That'll take some nerve!" Hanta yelled.

Yuga went up first. He had such a stupid grin on his face. He lifted his whiteboard up to the sky and yelled his hero name. "Here I go…'I Can Not Stop Twinkling!' It means you can not get rid of my sparkles!"

"That's just a sentence!" Kisu criticized.

"Well," Midnight took a marker and crossed out a few words. "If we take 'I Can Not' and turn it into 'Can't,' then you can use this. 'Can't Stop Twinkling.'"

"It's allowed?!" Kyoka questioned Midnight's sanity.

"Hehe," Mina took her board and hopped up front and giggled. "Hero Name: Alien Queen!"

"Are you trying for a hung with acidic blood?!" Well, that was a little dramatic don't you think, Midnight? "I wouldn't if I were you!"

"Dang it."

Since the first names were weird, everyone had the idea that they had to be funny now. This is the worst class I've ever been too. I should be over in the workshop or talking with the new little club Shigaraki made. Anything but this.

"Then, may I go next?" Tsuyu raised a hand.

"Of course, Tsu!" Midnight answered.

"I've had this name in mind since elementary school. Rainy Season Hero: Froppy."

"So cute! Its friendly too! I like it!"

Everything was back to normal, apparently, thanks to Tsuyu. Everyone started chanting 'Froppy' and jumped out of their seats.

"I'll go next!" Eijiro's said with confidence. "The Sturdy Hero: Red Riot!"

"Interesting. You're paying homage to the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot, right?"

"Yeah, it's pretty old fashioned, but the hero image I'm going for is Crimson himself!"

"If you're bearing a name you admire, it'll come with that much more pressure."

I looked over at Denki who was definitely having a hard time with his hero name. He was talking about how hard this was, and I can see why.

"Man, this so hard!" He complained.

"Hey, how about I give you one?" Kyoka tapped his shoulder. "What about 'Jamming-yay?'"

"Oh, it's like Hemingway who wrote A Farewell To Arms! Cool!"

"No…" Kyoka covered her mouth and started laughing at the stupid idea she had in her head. "It's because even though your strong, you always end up like that. Ahaha! Even if you haven't been so deadbrain lately, it's still funny!"

"Hey, not cool! Kyoka, stop messing with me!" Denki yelled as Kyoka ran up front, running away from the very angry idiot.

"Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack!"

"That's good! Next!" Midnight said.

Next up was Meto. His idea was okay. Not anything special if you ask me. "Tentacle Hero: Tentacole!"

"It's like tentacle with some octopus thrown in."

"Taping Hero: Cellophane!" Hanta announced.

"Nice and simple! That's important!"

"Martial Arts Hero: Tailman!" Mashirao flexed his tail.

"Your name reflect your body!"

"Sweets Hero: Sugarman!" Rikido said with excitement.

"So sweet!"

"PINKY!" Mina yelled.

"Peachy pink complexion!"

"Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt!" Ahh, I see what you did there, you absolute idiot of a lighting bolt.

"I love it!"

"Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl!"

"That's great! Let's keep it coming with those names!"

Good god, everyone was way to into this. Their just words and names. They're only their for popularity and recognition. If anything, they should be the last thing we need to take care of. If it weren't for these internships, we wouldn't be doing any of this. I wasn't really paying attention anyway.

"Everything Hero: Creati. I hope I will not bring shame to this name." Momo said with a formal tone. Now this one piqued my interest.

"Half And Half Hero: Ice Flames." Shoto said with a bored tone. "Yuno helped me with this."

"That's our Yuno for you!" Mina gave a thumbs up, getting an eye roll from me as a response.

"Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi." Fumikage said darkly.

"God of the night!"

"Clepto." Kisu said while sticking her pinky finger in her ear and twisting it. Immature brat. It's an okay name though.

"Interesting! I like it!"

"Petting Hero: Anima…" Koji barely whispered.

"Yeah, you got it!"

"King Explosion Murder." Katsuki growled.

"Kats, you can't do that!" Eijiro denied. "That's gonna scare everyone! Nobody's gonna want an autograph from someone with that name! Maybe Explosion Boy."

"Hen'na kami wa damattero(shut up, weird hair)!"

"Okay, my turn…" Ochaco said nervously. "This is what I came up with. Uravity."

"How cute and stylish!" Midnight agreed to the name. "This is going much smoother then I thought. All that's left is Katsuki who needs to rethink his, Tenya, Toga and Yuno."

"Tenya." Tenya said with a shadow upon his face.

"You're using your first name, huh?" I asked as I rested my head in my hand. "That's kinda lame, knowing that your brother would have passed the name onto you."

Kisu slapped me on the back of the head. I was just being honest, you dumb-dumb. I swear, I will end her one day.

"Shifty is me!" Toga pumped her fist into the air. Technically I was the one who gave her that name since it's another word for transformation.

"That's a wonderful name! And Izuku, are you ready?" Midnight said, breaking me if my dark thought about Kisu.

"H- Hai(yes)!" Izuku said while asking up front. "My hero name…is this." He turned the boss around and revealed the name, Deku.

"Are you sure, man?" Eijiro asked with a worried look. "You might be called that forever."

"Yeah, I didn't like it at first. But someone changed the meaning of that, and it had a huge impact on me. I was so happy."

"My Deku won't always mean 'useless.'" I said along with Izuku, causing everyone to look from Izuku to me.

"Yeah, yeah. You're all probably confused. Late bloomer, okay? It's rude to stare."

They all gave one last look before turning back to see a smiling Izuku.

"All that's left is Yuno." Midnight said.

"Whatever." I answered while rolling my eyes and waking up to the front desk. "Hema."

All I got were stares of confusion. Were they all seriously this stupid? I shot back a look of disbelief and irritation. "Guys," I pinched the bridge of my nose. "It's a root words meaning blood. Idiots."

"LORD Explosion Murder!" Katsuki yelled his hero name.

"Nope. That's still no good."