Accost Splendora C-2_20 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 2

Page 20- _Mind Echoes_

Rintarõ... _You can laugh freely if you want, but please tell me where the bathroom is. This time you have to actually show it to me, no more directions okay?_

Ayami... _Consider it fate, i've completely finished my daily duties and i'm ready to start preparations in the princes' rooms. Henceforth i can spare a few minutes to show you the ladies' bathroom._

She took the first left turn from the hallway entrance. Added by another left and then right turn into a four roomed passage, and they reached the door to the bathroom.

It was the first door from the passageway, decorated in a lavender fine linen cloth boarding its cedar violet colour.

There was a purple heart shaped carving engraved on the center, glowing the words "Imperial Ladies Only".

Unlike the strikingly odd gentlemen's door opposite, it gave off a welcoming embrace leaving a huge impression on anyone getting in.

Rintarõ... _Am i even allowed to enter such a place?, it's definitely intimidating to a commoner like myself._

Ayami... _By all means place yourself at ease. Being a guest of royalty makes you nonetheless imperial for the time being of your stay._

She looked at Ayami as she slowly pulled down the door handle. Fully open, her breath was taken away. She was marveled after noticing the extraordinarily white spacious as much as it was a beautiful room. A golden white large modernized tub was set in the corner on a scotch mist white tiled floor. The shower was opposite beside what happened to be a fan-like warm dryer for when done bathing. An obviously luxurious type of soap was dipped in warm bubbly water in the tub. She swooped off her clothes, pinned up her hair and entered the steamy rose scented foam.

A tingle flashed through her body leaving a cozy and fuzzy feeling. She gracefully thanked Ayami who had excused herself, and on her way to finish the rest of her work. As soon as she heard the squeaking sound of the door closing, Rintaro slid down underwater hoping to clear her mind. Thrilled, amazed and all, she still needed to find a good enough answer for the boys. And one that would satisfy them.

Colorful little bubbles went and popped up on the water surface. After some minutes of comfy coziness and almost drowning in sleep, she dried herself off and went back to the guest room. Leering cricket sounds came from outside the window as she checked the time on her phone. "10:13pm!, it's already this late?!", her voice had suddenly gone high in shock while changing into her appreciately given clothes. And time sure had quickly passed considering they had taken off around 6 at the hospital. She thought of looking for Ayami in order to thank her, but when she was out the door someone showed up. The shadow overcasted through the door into a small portion of the lit room.

To be continued........