Accost Splendora C-3_26 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter Three

Page 26- _Blissful night 2_

All eyes laid out wide open, cast and glued to Ayami. Silence became revered by sound, wrapped around the large tranquil room. To Lady Inata, the air had become stiff to breathe or speak.

Ayami... _I'd dearly appreciate all your eyes looking elsewhere. Having to speak with pairs of eyes staring at me somehow makes me nervous._

Her shy face swinged left and right, while her fingers cross-fiddled from her sweaty palms.

Rintarõ... _Nervous?, What do you mean? It's not like you want to announce something in front of a crowd, it's only the three of us._

Rin wasn't aware of the truth, under all that perfect maid and honorable lady persona, Inata was as shy as ever when pitted against anxious blunt eyes.

Ayami... _I'm aware you're not many, but can you at least loosen up or blink. Stiffness just makes the intensity rise._

Rintarõ... _Okay, but can you be quick, the peace between these two won't survive much longer._

Her eyes glared at Takahiro and Keisuke flowing in a frontic oblivious way.

Takahiro & Keisuke... _What do you mean it won't survive? We're not even fighting._

Though it was true of them not fighting, their fists were already tight clenched and ready for a fight. They exchanged intense death stares, serenading a conversation only with their eyes.

Rintarõ... _What?, come on look at your hands, you're clearly itching to go at it right now. If not for me, you'd be fighting as we speak._

Caught red handed, the princes pulled their hands to the back and pressed on small fake smiles. Ayami blew out her idea in worry of the situation.

Ayami... _If you wish to not share this room, then i'll let you stay in different ones. But neither of you will use this one to avoid any further conflict. The separate rooms are also completely clean and prepared, that way you can sleep now if you want to._

The solution was as obvious as it was useless. Of COURSE it wasn't going to work!. The mansion was stupendously big that not even Keisuke or Takahiro were familiarized with the other rooms. They liked comfort over anything when it came to sleep, and frankly an old room was better than a new one. Both boys raised complaints of how being in their old room was fine, but neither wanted to share. "Was this her idea of a solution?, i expected something good, but Ayami's plan is definitely useless," Rin thought all this in a moment's worth time. She almost instantaneously opened up her thoughts just before Inata stopped her.

Ayami... _I'm fully aware of what you were going to say. "That won't work because they seem too comfortable in this room only," is what you were thinking right?_

Bullseye!, she read Rintaro's mind like an open book. But honestly, _little miss genius_ wasn't exactly good at hiding her emotions through those glowing golden eyes to her beautiful innocent face. Beginning to wonder what Ayami's real idea was, she thought of asking. "So what's y....", Keisuke cut her off midway.

Kensuke... _Wait a minute, how did you reach the conclusion we'd be uncomfortable sleeping in other rooms?_

Oblivious expressions simultaneously splashed on their faces and left a whiff of somewhat a cool composure. "Oh God!, who wouldn't notice such an act!!", thought Rintaro and Ayami.

Rin & Ayami... _Excuses won't help you this time, and it's useless to display those bold faces. Fighting for your old room and yet you are princes in a mansion full of spares to sleep! We call that discomfort!!_

At some point their voices had gone quite high, and anger was the only emotion felt. Yelling and shouting left them gasping for air until they took a few deep breaths. Takahiro and his brother paled trembling in shock.

Takahiro... _O-oo-k, i think we heard you clear enough. No need to yell that much._

Though discomfort was an understandable thing, Haruno couldn't help but question oddity in that earnest truth. Why would you care about sleeping in comfort, more than sleeping with someone you hate? she daunted on the strange thought until she voiced it out. "Why are you uncomfortable with sleeping in another spare, after all it's just a room?," she questioned the two boys with eyes clad in yearned curiosity. It took an averting eyes sideways time before they replied. "Because it's just unnerving," replied the princes.

With her eyes blankly staring at Kei and Hiro, Rintaro was left at a worthless dead end. Her ears concentrated on listening to Ayami's real plan, while her questioning eyes lay gazing at the boys. If the previously mentioned idea had miserably failed, then what was the real solution? Rin asked herself, and at the same time the princes tumbled down a troubled question.

To be continued........