Accost Splendora C-3_30 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 3

Page 30- _Abyss of regret_

The deep night-sky flowed in serenity and as usual, magnificently starry. But the lights suddenly went out leaving shady darkness to roam the room. Rin slid off the bed, but noticed something a bit off. She couldn't quite make it out, but a familiar sensation came onto her. When she stepped out thinking she'd be in the passageway, her feet found themselves beside her brother's roomdoor. She went downstairs perplexed in mystery and hoping to find the answer. The dining room turned out to be from her house in _Asahi_ avenue. But finding the cause of her strange state didn't mean she knew what was going on. Her right foot stealthily took one step on the moth gray tiled floor, pasted from the faint hint of a tortilla brown barleycorn design. And shockingly, water started seeping from within the tiles. Its rapid rising left Rin scuttling back upstairs. The strange sight before her wrestled with her logical reasoning. "How is water coming from the tiles, and that too at an alarming infinite speed!? At this rate the house will be flooded in minutes." Taking into consideration her brother was overseas and no one was around, she thought of escaping through her bedroom window. When she tried to lift her leg, futility and resistance was the reply from her own body. She couldn't run let alone move, but amidst her troubles appeared a mysterious young man who stood in front of her. He was clad in a red vest appearing underneath his light cherry sweater, merlot red herringbone designed chinos trousers, and a pair of cream slippers.

His face was too pitch black and overcast by a shadow, that Rin couldn't see anything. Laughter flew out of nowhere, or at least that's what anyone seeing him would have thought. But close up it was coming from his plain invisible black mouth. "What's he laughing about when the water level's rising up!?", thought Rintaro. Sooner than expected, the water had almost reached the last step of the staircase. "Please help me escape, otherwise if i stay here i'll drown!," she begged but her plea fell on deaf ears or so it seemed. He stopped laughing and stretched his hand out to her. Feeling relieved, Rin grabbed on without a second thought. It was when she saw his plain dull red eyes that she felt fear coursing through her body. The young man swerved to the left forcing Rin's hand to bend a little, pushed her from the back and straight into the fully flooded dining she went. To Rin, the deep water appeared slightly dark and barely visible. She tried to swim up to the roof but felt something pull her down. Battling for air in the seemingly bottomless water, her eyes searched for a way out. She flapped her hands as she held her breath for as long as she could.

Haruno looked down at the front door and noticed something weird. It was fully open yet the flood would not descend. She swam to check it out, and as she reached further a shock awaited. Outside the door stood Keisuke to the left and Takahiro to the right. They were outright naked..., and God knows Rin had seen too many embarrassing things in one day. Although flustered, she wanted to escape the clutches of the deep dark water.

Rintarõ... _Kei! , Hiro! please pull me out..!_

The boys didn't move an inch at all. She tried to swim out but something similar to an invisible wall stopped her from escaping. Kei and Hiro extended their arms inside the water through the exact same door.

Kei & Hiro... _Now Rintaro Haruno!.... make a decision , who will you go out with!?_

"Huhhh!, Why should i choose one of you now. Its not even a week yet!?", her voice yelled, absentminded she was still underwater. Gunning on the instinct of survival, she closed her eyes and hesitantly stretched out her hand. Hoping to feel the touch of a gentle hand pulling her out, she felt herself drifting away instead. When she opened and looked at the door, all she could hear were the words," you just had to pick one of us." Rin desperately tried to call out as loud as she could, but her conscious began fading. Her mind was deeply troubled, but for the most part she drowned in regret and sorrow. Memories of the smiles she had alongside Takashi, Keisuke, Takahiro, Aigasaki , Ayami and everyone else, all flashed before her teary eyes. The water resembled nothing but darkness, no shred of light emitting through. "Is this all my fault?, what wrong have i done to deserve such fate?. Her thoughts folded in despair as she struggled to breathe. At last, her eyes closed as her body gave up its final breath and sunk deep onto the floor.

To be continued.......