Accost Splendora C-8_78 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 8

Page 78- _Muse Of Mystery_

Ever since being told," that doesn't mean i don't like you" Senami kept changing it into i like you. Prancing to an ecstatic feeling of joy, he kept glaring at Rintaro as if she was food. He moved very close to her face trapping _little miss genius_ in an uncomfortable atmosphere. She thought pulling a little further away from him would change, but love-tinged Kei followed in motion. Left with no choice she decided to just bear with it until reaching home.

Face basking in the summer sunset from the open window , a sudden gush of wind grazed her pretty face followed by what her eyes made out as a super speeding motorcycle.

Rintarõ.... _Keisuke did you see that!?_

Haruno didn't know she was talking to herself while the prince sunk in fear. His eyes glistened with tears but he quickly removed them before she could notice. "Naruhito, please go a little faster!," he exclaimed taking a glance at the driver's back. "You don't have to tell me twice young master, i already know!", sounding a bit thrilled, chauffeur Naru stepped on the gas speeding down the hill road.

She refrained from questioning the sudden tension. In her memory-flooded mind, she remembered his tight-lipped cold face. Summing it to an assumption, the motorcycle going up meant it was related to his family. And from the looks of it, nothing good came from associating with his father. But striding one glance at the imperial prince, a single

question sprung up her mind.

Rintarõ.... _Err Keisuke can i ask you something?_

It took a while before he finally rose and spoke up.

Keisuke.... _Yeah sure, what is it?_

She was hesitant to ask at first seeing as how he had wallowed down the path of sad silence. But when her little head thought about ever finding it strange in the near future, keenness took over.

Rintarõ.... _Why did you and Hiro decide to go back at one of your family mansions if you didn't like it?_

Keisuke.... _Ahh, it's simple actually. We knew if we took you to either my aunt's or his uncle's houses, a fight would definitely be bound to happen. So i just chose anywhere else that came to mind and coincidentally so did brute Takahiro._

Rintarõ.... _Ohh..._

Rin could understand the surprising reason but somehow she couldn't help but laugh at its simplicity. Satisfied to a fill, she turned back to the window and slid comfortably into the seat. The car was moving too fast for her eyes to enjoy any beauty. By the time they were halfway through, snoring came from the back with both their hands attached slumbering within the now-dark night. Only Naruhito stayed up while enjoying his speedy drive and following the map to Rin's house.

She woke up an hour later to the ear splitting honk of the car. Her eyes blinking to a more clear sight , the "Haruno House" signpost came into view illuminated by the bright car lights torching a portion of the house. She gently pressed down the handle wary of Senami who still laid out cold in sleep. Personal items in hand, her lips moved towards his soft cheeks and kissed him goodbye. Her bare legs were tired from wearing the beautiful open toe heels gifted by Kiyohime while stealthily tiptoeing to the driver's seat.

Rintarõ.... _Thank you so much for the ride sir Naruhito_

Naruhito.... _No need it's an honor to drive someone as beautiful as you miss Rintaro. Prince Keisuke is a very lucky man. And please call me Naru, i'm not worthy of the honorific "sir"._

Rintarõ.... _Ahaha thank you for the compliment. See you seen Naru~_

Seconds passed came a roaring of the engine as they drove off while she went inside. A little later after adjusting to the dark, her hand posed by the white walls searching for a switch. Soon as she felt it, her hand clicked spot on simultaneous with a sudden loud scream escaping her mouth.

To be continued.....