Welcome party II

After Rick took his place, no one felt up to continue chatting. Alex took control of the room again, giving the pets time to cool off their prideful heads.

"Now, for the second round of introduction, I'll share some bits of information about my pets. After all, you might end up as housemates, it never hurts to know more than their names." She offered her support to Larry.

"Seth is the alpha of the pack. He has a duty to lead and protect the others if I'm otherwise occupied. Outside of the playground as well as inside. He's willing to fuck other man if I tell him to, but he is straight otherwise." She started off with the first in hierarchy. 

Though no compliments were given, Seth seemed to grow a foot taller just from hearing his name. Larry didn't really care about any of these men's sexual preferences, but he wasn't stupid enough to interrupt Alex.

"Rick comes second together with Zack, they are betas. They act as the alpha's hands in matters that can't be solved with Seth's skillset. Rick is an excellent lawyer with strong business connections. Zack is a physiotherapist and sports masseur. Both contribute to the pack's overall well-being." She continued.

It was hard to imagine Zack massaging someone. He looked like a black giant who could fold people like playdough. Rick lived up to Larry's first impression about him, looking and behaving like some rich, hot shit little lord. Being a big-shot lawyer wasn't that far off from that.

"Zack is not fucking anyone, well, besides Mikey's throat occasionally. Rick on the other hand would fuck a corpse if it isn't too cold, and anything living as well. He also goes both ways in giving and receiving just the same as topping and bottoming in plays."

Alex's swooning over Rick's abilities created a new kind of tension in the room. The focus wandered from Larry in a few words. The pack tried hard to hide their envy, with not much success. 

< Being in her favour can be complicated, it seems. > Thought Larry. He found the whole situation to resemble more and more to a royal court.

"Rob is an interesting case. He works as an EMT, and he is the only pup with a slave's heart. He does odd jobs and performs regular health checks for the pack. He has a debilitating stage fright, so we know him to be impotent." Alex finished Rob's intro with a naughty wink at him.

That wink made Rob's face just as red as he was at the airport. It seemed to Larry that this poor man was the number one target of the queen's teasing. The bottom of jokes for the whole pack.

"Mikey is the oldest member of the current pack. You are older than he seems, but still the youngest. Hence we call him kid, pup and such. He's strictly gay, and the biggest slut I've ever seen." Said Alex with pride in her voice, like a mother talking about her brightest child.

"As no one is allowed to fuck whoever they want outside the pack, Mikey helps to keep my dear doggies libido in check. Stray fucking can be earned as reward, but the partner has to be a member of The Crib." She finally finished introducing everyone.

"Any questions so far? You'll need to shut up during plays, so out with it now." She turned to Larry.

"You promised me some headphones." Larry reminded her.

"That's right. Rob, please give him a noise cancelling pair in case he chickens out." She instructed.

Besides teasing Robert, her second most favourite hobby seemed to be taunting Larry. Just like before, it fell flat on Larry's aloof attitude.

"What is stray fucking? Simple sex outside the pack, or is it some kink?" Larry asked to appear interested.

Living his guilt-ridden half-life, this whole dungeon-throneroom-dogpark fantasy was still ridiculous for him, the most part. He enjoyed seeing Alex being in her element, and was definitely interested in her. Her alone, that is.

< Would I be even here, if not for my stupid dream? > He asked himself over and over since they entered.

"Your guess is correct, both. Any sexual or kink activity outside the pack is considered stray fucking and comes with severe punishment, if you don't get permission first. Right, Mikey?" 

The addressed man just looked at his crotch and heaved a deep sigh. 

"I'll never get out of this, will I?" He asked, not waiting for a serious reply.

"Maybe, if you get impotent, like Rob." Said Zack, soliciting a chuckle from everyone except Larry. 

Meanwhile, the promised headphones got delivered to Larry.

"Now that the pleasantries are sorted, let the party begin for real." Alex clapped her hands together.

Seth and Rick walked to the sides of the throne, and took her hands to guide her to the middle of the room. 

"We start with Rick's reward. Mikey, get the candles. Seth, bring the fire resistant cuffs and the safety blade. I want blindfolds too. While the boys prepare, Larry comes with me to make drinks." She threw orders left and right, then headed to the kitchenette.

Larry obeyed too, even though he didn't see the point of all these useless ceremonies. Alex put some fresh fruit into the blender, threw some ice on top, then started the machine. As she didn't give any instruction to Larry, he just stood there in silence.

Then she filled a small ice bucket too. She put it and two glasses with smoothie on a tray, and gave it to Larry.

"Bring this to the guys after they put on the blindfolds." She told him.

"You said I won't be playing." He reminded her.

His complaint fell on deaf ears. Alex was already immersed in her role as a queen, so went back to her knights, ignoring him completely.

"Do you want them pants on or off?" She asked Rick, who was busy lighting the candles.

"Without, preferably. I don't know your plans around Larry, so I'm willing to yield." He replied.

"No need. He better gets used to it. I'm curious about his fluffy body. I smell treasure under that pork chop belly." She was practically drooling.

"He has no way out, does he?" Rick asked with a naughty smirk.

"Put your head into this game, Rick. Your darling is waiting." She tilted her head toward Rob, who was naked and blindfolded, on his knees.

Just the sight of him being exposed to Rick's whims made the latter's balls twitch. Rick almost regretted blindfolding him. Rob's eyes and face was a feast to his eyes during degradation and humiliation.

The moment Zack got his eyes covered and assumed the same position as Rob, Mikey turned most of the lights off. 

The light from the candles grew stronger in the half-dark room, and shadows started to dance on the naked men's skins.

Alex and Rick approached their respective partners, and started restraining them. They both cuffed the wrists together - Alex put Zack's arms behind his back, while Rick put a collar on Rob's neck, and linked it to the handcuffs.

Zack got a spreader bar attached to his ankles, and a short chain that connected the handcuffs to the metal rod. He ended up with his knees on the floor, his hip arched forward, his head facing the ceiling. 

His whole front was completely exposed and defenceless - he could only fall to his sides at most.

Besides the collar and handcuffs, Rob also got a spreader between his ankles, and a belt on his hip. The latter had a long chain on each side. Rick got a ladder from the wall, climbed on it, and put the chain's far end on a massive metal hook hanging from the ceiling. 

Rob's toes barely touched the ground. The most he could do was keep his balance.

While preparing these rather forced positions, the dominant ones did not keep their mouths shut.

"I'm glad the kid turned off the lights. Your ugly, hairy asshole is less of a turn-off this way. God, you need a trim elsewhere too, you disgusting chimpanzee." Rick said, and yanked a handful of Rob"s armpit hair.

"A beauty salon would be a waste on an animal like you though." He continued. 

"Speaking of beauty salons, they use wax to remove nasty bits of hair. Do you think candle wax works the same?" He asked, bringing a lit candle close to Rob's face. 

He definitely felt the heat, he even flinched away. Because of the sudden motion of his head, the balance in his feet crumbled, and he started swinging uncontrollably.

Rick put down the candle gently, then walked behind his sub. He slapped his ass hard, adding to the ungraceful acrobatic show. Rob hissed his next breath through his gritted teeth, and tried his best to regain balance.

"You don't even know how to stand on your own, you stupid monkey?! Getting scared of a little heat?! Are you a pussy too? A monkey bitch, heh? Is that what you want to show to our guest?" Rick slapped Rob's ass again and again with each swing. 

Rob's hisses slowly turned into moans as Rick kept cursing at him. By the last question, he sported an erection.

With the next backward swing, Rick grabbed both of the chains, and stomped on the spreader. Rob yelped in pain, and arched his back upward. 

Using this reaction, Rick got hold of his collar, pulled it back toward him as much as he could, and spoke to Rob's ear.

"I asked you a question." He said.

From the pain in his ankles, Rob couldn't stop whimpering and voice actual words. Noticing the shake in his legs, Rick changed grip on the spreader. He stepped over it completely, breaking the pressure on the ankle cuffs.

Getting rid of some of his pain, Rob managed to answer immediately.

"Yes, I'm a disgusting hairy monkey… And a pussy too… Please teach me better…" He panted. 

Larry observed all this, and some questions popped into his head. He was wondering how anybody could get hard - and keep the erection going - during such treatment. It was not the time for questions though, so he kept silent.

"You always say that, yet you never learn. You're a waste of time, really." Said Rick in a pensive tone.

"However… I think I could make you less hairy." He said, looking over to the candles.

Rob couldn't follow Rick's line of sight, but shook to his core as he imagined the hot candle wax dripping on his nipples, armpits, asshole and balls.