Homeward bound

Earlier that morning

After Teresa shut the door and climbed the stairs, she felt weird. Reed would normally be up and about by now it's been 3 months since she had to go get him for breakfast. But as she opened the door and prepared a taunt, she found him curled up on the bed chewing his pillow and as she touched his arm he screamed in pain now she's worried and a little panicked but like in her training she identified the problem then acted. by the time she was done, Reed was face up on the bed with a wet cloth on his forhead and between his teeth. She also surrounded his body with ice packs as his temperature was skyrocketing. After she finishes putting this all together, she calls Reeds Father but is forced to leave a message instead. As the day passed, she would switch out the clothes and ice packs for fresh ones as the day turned to night. Reed finally fell asleep, and after cleaning up as well as dealing with the now cold and moldy food, she checked her watch to find a message from Reeds father about 1 hour ago she looks at it then sends a reply explaining everything that happened then went to bed.

The next morning

Reed wakes up and feels refreshed. However, he also feels famished, so he quickly washes up and gets dressed. Then, basically ran down the stairs. Luckily, Teresa was just finishing making breakfast. She turns to Reed with an anxious look and asks how he's feeling."I'm doing great. I've actually never felt better." But even though he says that she still looks anxious. Doesn't he remember the entire day of suffering he just went through? As she posed that question, he looked thoughtful and asked."What day is it today?"

"It's the 14th."When that was said, Reed had a thoughtful look on his face.

"I don't remember any pain, but I felt for some time that I was in a haze." As he says that, he goes to pick up his fork to eat breakfast when he notices his dragon mark. It's shining with a kaleidoscope of colors, and as he stares at it, Teresa notices and stares as well. They both just stare at Reeds dragon mark for a few minutes, but then Teresa breaks the silence."Excellent your mark has mutated your mother will be ecstatic and those 2 faced bitches you call your little sisters will try to win your favor." With that remark Reed just holds his head as if the world is about to crash down on him.

After breakfast, Reeds father came over to tell him to pack up because they were going back home but was surprised when he learned that Reeds mark mutated."Excellent. I'm looking forward to meeting your dragon now, and congratulations, my boy." Obviously, his father is both happy and relieved.

In the afternoon, Princess Aiolta visited and was unhappy that they would be leaving tomorrow she has taken a liking to Reed and his advanced knowledge and says she is looking forward to the next time they see each other. Teresa has a big smile on her face as she won't have to deal with the princess anymore, and she doubts she will see Crystal for some time as well.

And it's the next day.

After some goodbyes with the Ezail, all the wings took off. All the wings other than Reeds fathers and Crystal's are subdued. After all, how can they not be they took the herb, and it's only a matter of time before the dragon slayer sickness starts affecting them. Reeds uncle is in a worse mood as he found out later that his son was killed by Crystal over the monster poison incident. The alchemists are all pale and in a panic because they helped endorse the herb, and they are afraid for their lives.

After everyone entered the ships, they headed off. It would take 1 month to reach the dragon empire. 2 weeks into the flight, an event happened. Reeds dragon manifested finally.

As Reed slowly wakes up, he feels a weight on his chest as he looks down he is first stunned, then ecstatic his dragon is here as he looks at it he can't ever remember one that looks like this one. It looks like a small snake, but its body is muscular with 8 limbs. It's got 2 legs and 6 arms, but it can most likely use its lower arms as legs since its limbs are all the same size, and it's also got 3 sets of wings between its 8 limbs as well as its scales are a kaleidoscope of colors. Its snout is long and a little blocky with a very healthy row of razor-sharp teeth. She is also sleeping, so Reed doesn't want to wake her up just yet and just looks at her.

A little while later, Reeds Dragon woke up with a start, then seemed to just stretch out lazily as if she had all the time in the world. After a good stretch, her eyes look straight at Reed. Just like all dragons, her eyes are like cat eyes. The outer ring is like her scales, a kaleidoscope of colors with black pupils, and in the very center of her pupils is a small dot that changes colors. As Reed starts to get up, she scurried up to his neck and wound herself around it, then went back to sleep. Baby dragons need nourishing food and lots of sleep. Reed gets up and walks toward the bathroom but the moment he looked at the mirror he stopped everything stopped and the only thought that ran through his mind was "What the fuck". Normally when the dragon manifests the dragon mark turns into a tattoo in his last life the tattoo was the same size as the dragon mark and it was white with a black outline. Now, however, his tattoo is everywhere on his body even his hair and eyes have the tattoo on them as he looks all over his body (it's even on the soles of his feet) and just to check its even on his tung he doesn't have to look to belive its even inside his body and he wonders if I cut myself will I now Bleed red, white and black?