The fall of a Baron

The emperor cleared his throat as he spoke slowly so no one would miss a word.

"It had come to my attention that the marquis Varao family betrayed the race, and I have definitive proof of their betrayal."

The emperor looked at a servant standing by the door and gave a nod. Then the servant left the room for a moment, then came in with a box and walked to the throne. When he arrived, he put the box on the floor before the dias and pressed a button on the side from the top of the box a holographic projector started. Like in the last meeting on the rank 3 planet, Winchester is on one side and Grand Duke Inona is on the other, and when this is seen, there are some gasps and a lot of angry cursing then it starts to play.

"Winchester, by the agreement, reached by your clan patriarch and myself. I have searched and found a plant that has a very minimal amount of dragons bane in it. As such, im sending a sample to you, and it will be up to you to get the dragon knights to take the plant. If you succeed in this, I will make you personally a governor of a continent when I have conquered the dragon empire, so don't let me down."

For a good 5 minutes after the holorecording ended, there was a pin drop silence, but at this moment, the Empress reaches up with her right hand and flicks the ruby near her right eye a little and when Grand Duke Shira saw this movement he started to panic on the inside and as he attempted to speak the Empress spoke before him.

"Well then, I believe I speak for everyone when I say that clan merely got what it deserved. However, I believe I take exception to your words and tone just now, Lord Shira."

Now, he is truly panicking. However, he keeps a calm face and speaks.

"Your majesty, I'm sorry if my words seemed rebellious just now, but you must understand. We never even got a notice about all this when it happened, so we were a little concerned. But in any case, the emperor did right in dealing with such a traitorous clan, and I will be the first to commend him for his swift response and resolution of this particular case."

The Empress puts her hand on the emperors to show her support for his decision and eyes, Lord Shira, who bows slightly in acknowledgment of his error then speaks up again.

"Now that that is out of the way, your majesty, please grant justice for my good friend Baron Fernando Getlset, who now is suffering from dragon slayer sickness. He, along with many others, went on the mission of cooperation with the Ezail and acquired the sickness with many others because one Reed Getlset didn't disclose everything about the herb that caused the sickness. As such, I and many others hope for your help in this."

After his speech, many people in the room yelled with their support of Baron Getlset and asked for justice to be served. However, Grand General Necrodragon climbed 2 steps and bowed for acknowledgment, which the Empress gave with a nod.

"Your majesty Reed Getlset is the very reason that weed never came to the empire itself, and I have proof of his innocents."

General Necrodragon turned his head to the same servant that brought the holographic projector in and gave him a nod. The servant went to the projector and pressed a few buttons then bowed and walked to the side as the projector started up again and showed the meeting that Winchester showed off his discovery of the so called Mereden herb as the projector showed the meeting everyone saw how Reed objected to the herb and showed his discovery that it has dragons bane in it. Then how Reeds uncle basically called him a liar just as Reeds father yelled at him and stated that if the herb went to the empire in any way, he would personally kill all those involved. As the scene continues, Shira's face falls farther and turns an unhealthy shade of white. As the projector finishes, everyone is looking at Lord Shira and Fernando. The Empress grabbed the ruby she flicked earlier, which is a sign of extreme anger. Not only that, but crown princess Lilalu spoke up.

"Mother, I also have evidence of Reeds innocents I have on my person correspondence from my friend Crystal, which tells everything about said instance."

With that said, the Empress spoke.

"Since this entire problem originated from both Winchester and Fernando, I now send down my decree. Winchester and his clan have already been dealt with, so I'll leave that alone. However, not only did Baron Fernando Getlset ignore a master alchemist, but he also championed a herb with dragon's bane in it as such he should be relieved we will not take his life instead he has now lost his title he is no longer part of the nobility and he and his patriarch will leave this instant or he will be escorted to the dungeon instead do I make myself clear?"

As the Empresses voice fades, Lord Shira turns and steps down and looks directly at Fernando with great anger in his eyes as he thinks."Damn this bastard he didn't give me all the information or I wouldn't have even brought this justice crap up now I look bad not only in front of the Empress but the rest of the nobility as well."Fernando, though, looks like he can't believe what is going on and in a panic cries.

"Your majesty, you can't be....."

"Serious oh Mr Getlset I can't be anymore serious and it looks like you'd rather spend some time in my dungeon and if that is so speak again."

Fernando looks scared, but patriarch Getlset bows to the Empress and says."Thank you for your hospitality, your majesty we will leave now."Then starts walking to the door. Fernando following dejectedly behind. After they left, the emperor took the stage.

"Lady's and gentlemen, I'd like to invite Princess Aiolta and Grand Magister Galterc in to make an announcement to the empire."