Fury unbound

Both Reed and his father are stunned, Reed, because his family wasn't thrown out of the clan in his last life and his father because how was he supposed to rule his new land without the help of his clan. Both father and son are trying to think of how they can fix this, but then Reeds father calmed down and instead looked furious. He turned and headed back into the vehicle, but before he got in, he told his wife to start packing. After that, he drives off, leaving them to pack up.

Martin Getlset has always had a calm demeanor he very rarely shows extreme emotions unless it becomes necessary. However, at this moment, he can not contain his fury, so his bastard of a brother and his lacky of a patriarch are now throwing his family out of the clan well if that is the case then he can implement the plan he has been working on since his son was born and considering he is now a marquis his plan can take on another dimension. However, he is first going to get first-hand confirmation he refuses to jump ahead without confirming everything himself.

After he exits the vehicle at the patriarchs mansion, 2 protectors stand in front of him.

With a sneer, the one to the left says."Well well well if it isn't, Martin no clan...."He didn't finish, or he couldn't as Martin blasted him away then proceeds to do the same with the other one he has no time or temper to deal with the protectors. Ha, protectors Martin's ass these guys have not "protected" his family but has attacked them on different occasions he remembers Reed came home with both arms broken because of one "protector".

As Martin march's through the patriarchs mansion, he deals with every "protector" that tries to block him till he reaches the patriarchs meeting room inside the patriarch and Martin's brother are meeting with the elders of the clan and as Martin pushed the door open he's greeted by the first protector and at that moment his fury exploded and after he was done the first protectors limbs are destroyed and he is planted in the wall.

"My son, what seems to have angered you so."

Martin's father says as he stands up and walks slowly towards him. But he is in no mood to speak calmly to his father he looks directly at the stunned face of the patriarch and says.

"Alright, you old bastard tell me the truth, did you, or did you not throw my family out of the clan."

After that was said the patriarch started sweating. Even though he was the patriarch to throw someone out of the clan, he needed the agreement of 3 of the 5 elders not only that but Martin is the strongest knight in the clan as well as his father believes that he is the hope of the clan acquiring a sacred grade protector as such to throw him out requires the agreement of all the elders and he dosent have that but he has already struck his and his families names off the clan registry. He thought Martin would just take being thrown out like he's taken everything else calmly and without a fight, but he didn't leave quietly he is right here demanding an explanation and that's not the worst part the worst part is that he showcased his power by savaging all the protectors as well as practically destroying the first protector most probably in retaliation for how he had the protectors attack his family in almost every way even going so far as to breaking Reeds arm's every few years in fact the patriarch believes everything Martin has done today was for revenge. Yet he still needs to explain himself he tries to talk, but the savage look on Martin's face terrifies him, and that's when his savior appeared.

"What is going on here?"

At this moment, Reed is sitting on his bed trying to figure things out as Teresa and 2 other maids pack up his stuff. He thinks he has figured this out in his last life, so many people were diagnosed with dragon slayer sickness that throwing anyone even a waste like him out of the family would damage the families next generation as those with dragon slayer sickness can't have children or they shouldn't because of the dragons bane in there blood will be passed on to their child and well ya. But this time, it didn't happen, so they won't have a problem throwing them out now. As Reed feels he has figured things out, Teresa tells him that they are done with the packing and his mother is waiting for him outside. Reed pulled a book out of his bag and handed it to Teresa.

"Here, I asked a cultivation expert for help, and he managed to put together a cultivation technique for you."

Teresa looks at Reed but takes the book and thanks him she knows Reed lied to her about getting a cultivation expert to help cause she remembers Reed writing in this book on the way home from the rank 3 planet but she doesn't call him out on it Reed became a master alchemist so who is to say he is also a cultivation expert. She also decides to give the cultivation technique a try when Fen is bigger.

As they left the house, Reed saw his father talking on the holophone, and as he got closer, his father put the phone away and ushers them into the vehicle, and they all drove away never to return.

In the patriarchs mansion, the patriarch is sitting in his study wondering how things had gotten to this point. In the beginning, everything was going as planned it wasn't till Fernando returned from the mission that everything fell apart. Now, he has to find some way to keep his position because a vote of non confidence has been filed, and if the elders and heads of the family vote him out, his end will not be good and he can't depend on Fernando anymore cause now everyone knows he lost his title and what's even worse is Martin gained a noble title and he threw him out of the clan as such his career may soon be over.