Ashara and the Academy

2 months after Reeds family became members of the Damoncrest clan the Dragon Empire has changed. The emperor used the call to arms to start an expansion into other systems all 50 sacred grade powerhouses were given the task to scout out and start preparing other worlds for immigration. The Ezail empire was good on its word and sent in a form so the Dragon Empire can aquire a seat on the council however the councils respons was that the empire was not yet a true interstellar race and its inclusion will be discussed at a later date. However the Ezail also submitted the Dragon Empires way to fight monsters on planets which caused everyone in the council chamber to smack there heads and think "Why didnt i think of that." Which also started a large round of conquests. It was found though that the method worked well for rank 1 and 2 planets but not for rank 3 planets the Ezail theorized that it worked for the Dragon Empire because of there dragons. Rank 3 planets have very large and very mean monsters but dragons are larger and meaner as well as have breath weapons and magic at there disposal. Grand Duke Shira was let out of the dungeon 1 month after he was put in but when he returned to his clan there were no smiling faces. Patriarch Shira was furious at him and removed him as spokesperson of the clan as well as made him aware that the patriarch has allowed the marriage of Martin and his daughter then he was sent home to be under house arrest until further notice. Grandmaster Serren has been very busy with the new materials for alchemy coming in almost daily and is thoroughly enjoying himself. Grand General Necrodragon has gone into seclusion to attempt a breakthrough into the Sacred grade he has also left his descendent Crystal in charge of reorganizing the Wings of Havoc and its recruiting. She has also spent time with princess Aiolta as well as studies the use of dragons blood for rune crafting. Martin allowed his wing to rest for one month before taking them back to his newly acquired planet as he prepares it for immigrants to come in as well as sell the items acquired from the planet itself to the empire. Princess Aiolta has been studying rune crafting with Crystal and helped with the problem of acquiring large amounts of dragon blood for rune crafting purposes.

Reed has had the best 2 months of both his lives his parents are healthy and whole his elder sisters dot on him and even his little sisters have calmed down he also suspects he may have some more younger siblings soon.

Dragons grow up fast from baby to adult it takes about 6 months. Teresa's Dragon Fen after 2 months is about the size of Reeds old house which is normal by the time 6 months pass he should be the size of Reeds families current home. The problem is actually Ashara after the first week home she was already as large as Reed but after the 2nd month she is now larger than Reeds current home. Reeds mother has decided to wait till the 6th month to have a proper den made for both dragons. This can be considered a happy problem the reason is a dragons strength is proportional to its size this also includes the amount of magic they can use at one time. Feeding a dragon is not hard when it reaches adulthood the bulk of its sustainable comes from the connection with the dragon tattoo. However Ashara is still growing so she needs food and the larger she gets the more she needs as such she was given permission to leave the city to hunt up some food. Reeds mother also tested Ashara and Fen's power and the results were surprising Ashara's strength, defense and magic pool were the peak of the master realm. Fen was also tested to be at the beginning of the lesser master realm both results were unprecedented at 2 months such strength is usually found at the 6th month and only on the strongest dragons.

Reed however now must enter a very dangerous battlefield. It is now the 1st day of his academy life he has entered the Imperial Academy of Dragon Knights which is in Academy city. A city dedicated to a single Academy and a single purpose. To create the greatest dragon knights in the empire. Reed never went to this academy in his last life this academy only accepts geniuses with large dragon tattoos and powerful dragons. Teresa was accepted to this academy in Reeds last life but she refused and went to a lesser academy with Reed which stunted her growth which was one of Reeds regrets if she went to this academy she would have been stronger and wouldn't have died in the fall of the empire.

Reed after getting ready for the day enters the dining room in his home in the Damoncrest clans land in academy city and saw Teresa putting the last touches on breakfast. Teresa after seeing Reed start eating took her seat and started eating as well. After breakfast they grab their school bags and exit the house it was decided that Fen would fly them to school as Ashara was already to large to even be in the city as such a special arrangement was made for her outside the city and a special trainer was contracted to teach her magic outside the city as well as other considerations for when she reaches adulthood. Fen was not at that point yet but future considerations were still in place. As they reached the front gate of the academy. Fen landed at one of the many landing zones he's almost too big to fit in the largest zone he then let's Reed and Teresa down using his paw as an elevator to the ground then they wave goodbye to Fen and watch him head to the dragons area of the academy.