The Ruined Fortress of Roha Vala, Part Ten

Neve did not immediately walk into the boss fight, for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, she wanted to take stock of everything that had happened so far. Everything she'd seen. Just in case something she'd been through or witnessed earlier ended up being important for this fight.

[The arken are weak to fire. The boss might not be, but it's worth noting that. And, there was that one ability the arken who cut my waist used. I think it made it faster. Whatever I end up fighting in there might have the same ability or a powered-up version of it. I'll need to keep that in mind.]

The second reason was Erin.

Neve wasn't sure what to do about her.

[I didn't find any keys or whatever on the way here. I don't know what the one I have does either. If I win this boss fight, will I get the chance to look around afterward? Or, will I just be teleported out of here instantly?]

Hopefully, she could actually receive an answer to that last question.