The Hall of the Luminous, Part Twenty-Six

"I take it you are familiar with that thing, then?" Erin asked. 

"Just from stuff I've heard... If any of it is true, though, then yeah, we're kinda fucked."

As the healer made that statement, the dragon roared up ahead. Slowly, confidently, it began crawling toward them. 

"Would you like to share some of this information with me?" The lamia's tone was casual, though she did not take her eyes off the opponent. 

"So, for one, uh... They're very durable," Neve stated. "It's going to take a lot of hits to kill this creature. And, ehm, they're also immune to paralysis which is nice."

What she meant, which she could not say directly as Erin could possibly not understand, was that dragons had 2 passive effects Neve had seen mentioned in forums, both of which were likely to make this fight much more troublesome.