The Land of the Dead, Part Two

[That's a lot of enemies. Kind of an insane number, actually.] 

Thinking about it logically, it appeared that she forgot one minor detail from her previous visit to this area. 

That being that before, she'd had around 60 or 70 players behind her. Them having been there to distract some of these strange, alien zombies had obscured their numbers. Now, though, she was allowed to perceive the quantity of danger here.

A number she gracefully described in her mind as a fuck-ton.

And yet, Neve couldn't say she felt that scared.

Anxious, for sure. Hopeful that she'd live past this so she could get her revenge, certainly. But, not truly scared. Why was that? The idea of these enemies, as Tamira had told her what she'd be facing, had frightened her more than actually standing before them did. 

Maybe it was because she knew something important.