Blood in the Water, Part One

As Neve stood in the middle of that sunlit, white, stone bridge, she scanned the area around her. 

[Hm... Either, this place is a lot smaller than the last floor, or this is some Atlantean-type civilization, then? Am I going underwater?] 

The map showed only a tight circle, one that Neve was currently at the edge of. The ocean surrounding this stone platform was such a deep, rich blue color that it made Neve wonder how long it would take to find something else if she was to go swimming in one particular direction. Were there other cities like this in this world? And, if so, what had been their fate? 

If this floor's civilization was anything like the second's, though, Neve could guess what had happened to them. 

[No point in thinking about that, though. I'm here for one reason, and one reason only. To kill the boss and move on.]