Blood in the Water, Part Twelve

A few days passed and Neve reached Blade: 20. 

As far as she knew, 20 was... decent enough. In a general sense, anyway. Nobody was going to be impressed to hear that she'd made it to this point, but they would be very surprised to hear she made it there in the amount of time that she did. 

Getting to this number so quickly had, of course, only been possible thanks to Erin's status as a Trainer.

If Neve were training this skill in a conventional way she'd probably be around 10 right now, give or take a few levels depending on how much sleep and rest she sacrificed. There were Warrior-path players who hadn't made it past 25 Blade a whole year after the Unity Trials started, though that could be attributed more so to laziness on their part. 

It was also, however, thanks to the fact that players couldn't play the role of Trainers.