Blood in the Water, Part Twenty-Four

For a moment, Neve could only stare at the guy. 

An enemy had suddenly just turned sane and spoken to her. 

She hadn't expected this at all. 

"But..." The man said, continuing to speak. "I suppose all that matters is that I'm gonna die and you're not. Hm." 

Neve walked a couple of steps closer. Instinctively, she thought about healing the warrior. However, she hesitated to do so out of fear that would just trigger another fight somehow. 

Tentatively, she threw out one, singular cast of {Great Healing Dart}. 

It had no effect. 

"... Can you show it to me again?" 

"Um, what?" Neve asked. The shock she was feeling wasn't letting her think too straight. 

"The-" he coughed, "the toy." 


The healer quickly reached into her inventory and pulled the item in question out. Before, seeing this thing had sent the man into a fit of rage. Now, all he did was almost roll his eyes at it.