
Neve and Lia both hit the ground. 

Erin was by Neve's side in an instant. 

The healer used what little strength she could muster to pull all of her Minor Healing Potions out of her Inventory. She couldn't even bring them to her mouth, though. Erin had to do that for her, pulling the caps off and pouring the potions' contents past Neve's lips. 

Her wound healed quite a bit thanks to the Angel Set. It was enough to where Neve could wait for her mana to regenerate just a little and cast {Great Healing Dart} soon. 

Neve choked on blood. She coughed it out as Erin gave her an intensely concerned look. 

"You damned lunatic," Erin said with a chuckle, though she still looked worried. 

Turning her head toward Lia, Neve smiled a little, showing off bloodstained teeth. 

"It worked, didn't it?" 

Erin just shook her head. 

Beside them, Lia laughed, coughing up even more blood than Neve had just done.