The Descent, Part Two

She was only fighting two enemies. Two, basic enemies that came with only a set of basic attacks and basic behavioral patterns.

And yet, death's sweet grasp had nearly caught her a few times already. 

[Come on, come on! I just wanna take at least ONE of you out!] She felt that, maybe, upon doing so she'd have some small amount of breathing room. 

The ax-wielding orc swung at her head the way an MVP baseball player might during the 9th inning of the World Series, down 3 runs with the bases loaded. 

She ducked, rendering the dramatic effort meaningless, save for a few strands of sapphire hair that fell gracefully on the rocky floor. 

An arrow grazed her cheek. Apparently, the archer had been aiming for her stomach, and Neve's dodge just now inadvertently spared her from getting shot there. 

This one battle was giving her boss fight levels of trouble.