The Descent, Part Six

Lamrosh followed a few steps behind Neve. The healer would have suggested that she do that anyway, just in case they ran into anything dangerous, but the girl maintained that distance on her own. 

Regardless of whether she was actually saving her from something or not, which the Floor Quest had told Neve she was, the girl didn't trust her just yet. 

  Neve was fine with that, though she did wish the girl would follow just a step or two closer. The sounds entering her ears right now suggested that there could be enemies all around them. 

Within the natural hallway they walked through, there were little holes in the walls. Assuming these were made by the "kerosh" the girl had talked about, things could take a turn for the unpleasant rather quickly. 

"So," Neve said, "you know anything about the Unity Trials?" 

"Huh?" She looked up at the healer with confused eyes.