Reach for the Stars, Part Two

To Neve's own ears, her words carried a lot of venom. 

Charlotte didn't say anything for a while. Neve imagined that perhaps she was considering whether to say anything about that at all. After a while, the silence got so awkward that Neve considered just dropping the call then and there, but finally, the journalist said: 

"I'll let her know, hehe," Charlotte chuckled quietly. "Sounds like things didn't go too well between you two, though." 

Up until this moment, Neve had been caught in an emotionless drift, her legs and arms pushing her forward on autopilot. 

It was odd, to be able to feel something again. But, the anger simmering beneath her skin at the thought of what had happened also felt pleasingly familiar. 

The memories took hold of her. Neve couldn't push them away. 

"So, you mentioned the 9th Floor, right? What is it-"