Chapter Seven

Several lords arrived at the king's landing, among the most prominent were the lords of House Stark, Tyrell, and Martell, no matter what, they were powerful houses since they were the rulers of the kingdom.

The lord of House Martell came with three guards, Oberyn was not someone who wanted to bring an army to the capital, with three highly efficient guards was enough to give him a hand, as he was qualified for any fight, since in his hand was his favorite weapon, He wasn't going to deny it, he didn't like the king's landing mainly because of the smell, and now he had to add that he had to endure the sight of Lannister soldiers, but he was quietly dissimulating, he wasn't going to show his true intentions, not yet.

The Lord of House Stark was accompanied by a total of six people, his uncles Benjen Stark and Eddard Stark, the Lord of House Manderly, and the Lord of House Umber, who volunteered to accompany their lord to the nest of vipers that was the king's landing, and there was also Mya Stark adopted sister of Lord Stark and former bastard of Robert Baratheon and Artemisia Stark former bastard of Stannis Baratheon.

And finally, Lord Tyrell was accompanied by ten guards, among his guards were Leyton Hightower and Randyll Tarly, both accompanied by the lord of Dominion only by order of his mother.

Mace Tyrell could believe that all his subordinates followed him, but that was not the case, they all followed Olenna Martel the true leader of House Tyrell, of course, Olenna seeing how incompetent her son was, put her grandchildren under her wings, so they only had to hold on a little before Olenna herself took her son out of the way, she was not going to kill him, but she was going to take him out of the way and Mace could not do anything since he was very afraid of his mother.

The three lords were going their separate ways, the only one in a hurry to get to where the new king was Mace, while the lords of House Martell and Stark were walking the streets, with a simple purpose, to see the weak points of the city, King's landing for many was the worst city to live in because they live in overpopulation, it was not that he cared much, they were not his people, so what will happen in this place was not of importance.

Although Harry was looking for people who would serve him, with his eyes he could see who was useful and who was not.

And he found him, a boy of the same age, he was being beaten by two soldiers of the Lannister house, he stopped and watched him carefully, the boy was trying to defend himself from the two soldiers, and by his movements, it meant he knew how to fight, but he was so young and he couldn't with two soldiers wearing armor, any blow he tried to give to those two men only meant pain.

Mya and Artemisia watched their brother, the two of them were adopted by Harry as his sisters, and Ashara had no problem giving her the affection of a mother, she was happy, as she had no problem adopting, a project Harry did and the other lords could implement if they wished, and the two were put under the Persian training regime, Mya was an excellent warrior, she had incredible strength, determination, and endurance, while Artemisia was fast, agile and determined to win.

The two fostered a healthy yet extremely violent rivalry as neither wanted to lose. Benjen over time adapted and was immensely fond of the two as was the whole North, while his brother Ned had to get used to it when he found out about it.

- "Look what we have here, the Lannisters abusing a little boy" - From the other side of the alley Oberyn Martell made an appearance, as always the Lannisters abusing their power, he learned what the Lannister army did, raping, killing, steal and many more things, that bothered him badly - "The golden lions, always abusing their power" - The Martell changed his spear to his right hand, his guards knew their new lord was thirsty for blood - "Don't you believe it, Lord Stark."

- "Nobody saw anything" - That was Harry's word, before Oberyn acted, he left his spear on the ground, and with his characteristic speed he went towards the two soldiers, who unsheathed their swords very slowly, besides, they were not going to be of much use to him since the alley was not made for a fight with swords.

Oberyn in a minute killed the two soldiers by thrusting his knives into their eyes.

- Nice to meet you Oberyn Martell...the Red Viper.

- "The pleasure is mine, Harry Stark the new wolf" - Oberyn and Harry shook hands after all the two were in an alliance, so they should get along, the Martell owed the little Stark a big one since he saved his sister and nephews, and now he didn't even flinch when he murdered these two guys - "Poor kid, you can tell he's been days without sleep."

- "You wish to take revenge" - It was the simple question of Harry who looked at the boy's eyes, they were barely open, but you could see that he had an immense hatred, perhaps that was why he was fighting against the soldiers of the Lannister house - "You wish to have the strength to take revenge" - Weakly the boy nodded, - "Lord Manderly, take the boy out of the city, Artemisia and Mya accompany Lord Manderly and wait for us, give him something to eat, our visit to King's Landing will be shorter than we planned."

Tower of the Hand

Tywin was in the tower where the king's hand had to stay, he was not new in this place, he had already lived a period in this tower, he knew that he was not going to be the king's hand because even if it bothered him Jon Arryn had the advantage in that fight since he did not have the affection that Robert had for him as his master, so he put all his pieces for Cersei to be the queen.

It was lucky to know that Lyanna Stark was dead, Robert was sad about that, but he did not care, he was going to place his daughter as queen, in the council there was a maester who came from the Lannister house so he was going to find out about any trick that Jon Arryn would do.

But now he only had to wait for the last lords to come to talk to Robert and tell him who was the best choice for his queen, everyone was placing their daughters, except some lords who already had their daughters married, but Cersei had an advantage over the others since Walter Frey voted for his daughter to be the queen of the seven kingdoms, which infuriated the Tullys and Jon, but it was good luck that his sister can do what she pleases in that family, and her presence was much greater than in any other house.

- "Brother, the lords of House Stark and Martell have arrived" - Kevan came to warn his brother, as he wished to speak with the lord of House Stark more than anyone else in the world, as he wished to have him in their favor - "We can corroborate that Lyanna Stark is dead as she did not come with them."

- "It is always good to hear good news" - Why deny it, the death of the Stark was quite beneficial to him, he was not going to be able to be the hand of the king, but he was going to be present in the crown through his daughter, which was the most important thing at this time - "Come on, we must give them the welcome that corresponds."

Garden of the red fortress.

In one of the many gardens that the red fortress had, Oberyn and Harry were chatting quietly about future plans, no doubt Oberyn was surprised by the plans the boy had.

First of all, to make Tywin believe that they were his allies, the only thing they asked was that he let them do their lives, something that made sense, since the Starks were not players in the game as it seemed stupid to them, so Tywin would understand that if he wanted their support he only had to let them do their lives and that was it.

While the Martells now with the death of Doran and the attitude Oberyn had in some cases, it was understandable that their main goal was to find his sister and that was it, he was not for games of who was next to occupy the throne.

The second point was to make the Tyrells not to be a nuisance and knowing that Mace Tyrell wanted to join the Tyrell lineage to the royalty, it was obvious that they would try to marry their eldest daughter to Robert's heir, something that was not going to be allowed, something that would force the Tyrells to behave well, simple plans but at the same time that nobody could think that they had other meanings.

Another point and the most important for Oberyn was how his nephews and sisters were going to be safe, which was obvious that Martell was going to ask, Rhaenys was going to be passed as a lady of her mother, for when she comes of age she was going to marry the eldest son of her uncle Eddard who was going to be put to take care of Foso Cailin.

While Aegon was going to marry the first daughter of his uncle Benjen and they were going to see where he was going to put him, since Dragon Point was an alliance between the Starks and Mormont so it had to be consulted, which Oberyn respected.

They just had to stop Robert from pursuing them anymore, which was to get rid of the Targaryen surname for the time being, and keep the Martell surname, for their greater safety. As she was in the north, Oberyn could go to visit her, as she could visit him, as her mother was from Dorne so sometimes she would go to make some trips to that kingdom, so there were no problems, but everything under strict secrecy as she did not know how Robert would react to his request, the plans were simple, but not always the most elaborate plans came out as one expected.

- "Good to see you, Oberyn Martell prince of Dorne, and Harry Stark guardian and protector of the North" - Tywin made his presence known in the most respectful way possible, knowing that it was the best option to create a stable environment for negotiation since on the one hand Oberyn should be angry because they were looking for his sister, and the Starks never trusted the Lannisters because of their ambition for power - "I see that you enjoy one of the most beautiful gardens that the castle has."

- "Yes, it's a nice garden but I prefer the ones in Dorne" - The prince of Dorne was not going to hesitate to emphasize that, he did not like being in the capital, and even less he liked that it was full of Lannisters, but he was not going to disguise his liking, because if he did that, he knew that Tywin would doubt him - "It has been a while since we last met Lord Tywin, the last time was when you were a child."

- "I can't say the same, right now the northern landscape is very beautiful to appreciate" - Harry saw from the point of view that the north was the kingdom with a more natural landscape than any other kingdom, which gave you a beautiful view from any point where you are - "But please come with us...later you will be the father in law of the new king."

And with a smile Tywin took a seat, even if he did not realize it, the great golden lion, had fallen into the trap of the snake and the wolf, who were looking attentively at the lion, who began to talk, about what he expected from the current king.

Of course, it was a stupid conversation, as they knew the main point of this conversation was that they elect Cersei as the queen, Harry knew Tywin was much smarter than this, but he was very limited, by his enemy Jon Arryn. This meant Tywin had to try to talk to the lords and convince them, many could be convinced by the fear Tywin imposed, but not everyone was afraid of the golden lion, the Dornish people didn't give a shit about the Lannisters, and the Northerners they were more occupied with other things, so there had to be calm talk with both lords.

And Tywin had to admit, the lord of House Stark was extremely intelligent, by his gestures he was implying that his words were not going to come to anything, but he had to try, those who could change the course of his daughter being queen were the Stark family as they could see it as an insult to the late Lyanna Stark.

- "Don't worry, now you and I have a common enemy" - Harry spoke interrupting Tywin who looked at him intently with that typical look of power that could make anyone back down - "Jon Arryn sacrificed 10,000 of my men, his stay as king's hand is going to be very painful" - Tywin understood, just knowing that Cailin moat was back, Jon would be on alert - "I just want him not to move against the north, and to gain more strength, the second son of Robert and his daughter, marry the second daughter of my uncle Eddard Stark...we will fulfill Robert's wish to unite houses...and the Lannisters reconcile their power in the kingdom, while the north is in peace."

- "I ask that you give up the pursuit of my sister, Elia Martell, and my nephews, in return you will have the full support of Dorne" - Oberyn was going to play this game, but in his head, he only imagined how he would cut off the head of the man in front of him and place it as a trophy on the throne of Dorne so that everyone would know that no matter how powerful you were if you messed with his kin you were going to die - "Those that leaves us only one problem, the Tyrells, Mace is not a problem...but his mother, she is."

- "And what can we do to eliminate that problem" - Tywin liked the direction the conversation took, it was not something difficult to accomplish, not to bother the north, it was something easy for him, after all the one who was going to suffer was going to be Jon Arryn, and Dorne could only leave Elia alive thing that could be accomplished did not affect him much with what he was going to win, and taking power away from the competition of the Lannister no doubt called his attention a lot - "What do we do to eliminate that problem."

- "The Tyrells, they laid siege to Storm's End for a year, one punishment is for their daughter to marry the lord of House Stark, send her to the place where everyone thinks is the weakest kingdom of all" - Harry looked at Tywin and he could see it, that boy was just like him, his eyes showed he wanted power, and there he realized something, Moat Cailin was rebuilt in the war, while everyone was watching them, now with Robert on the throne who was going to stop the Starks - "Martell, Stark, and Lannister working together. ...terms were on the table...everyone wins, no one loses...what does Lord Tywin think?"


Fury was the only thing that could describe what the ruler of the valley felt at this moment because although he won the arm wrestle with Tywin Lannister to become the hand of the king he lost completely the support of Dominion, Mace Tyrell was furious when Robert punished him for agreeing for a year to the bastion of storms, marrying his daughter to Harry Stark the new leader of the Stark house, with his punishment Mace completely took away his support.

Now he was only going to have the support of the Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale, Kingdom of the Isles and the Rivers and finally the Kingdom of the Stormlands, since the other kingdoms were against him, Dorne was not going to forgive him for voting against leaving aside the pursuit of Elia Martell, who for him was a danger that had to be eliminated, but Oberyn with the help of Tywin and the lord of the Stark house managed to convince Robert to let her free since she was going to use her birth name and leave aside the Targaryen name, and as a measure of surveillance she was going to be in the north, to guarantee that she was going to be watched but very well cared for.

Then came the worst, Harry Stark asked for remuneration for all the soldiers he lost, when that happened he almost foamed at the mouth for the audacity he had to ask for remuneration.

But the boy succeeded, and Robert gave him ten million gold dragons, he flatly refused but there went Tywin to defend the north, with the sole purpose of gaining an ally, but he succeeded, and ten thousand gold dragons were given to House Stark, for the 10,000 soldiers he sacrificed.

He was sure that if it was Ned who was the head of the Stark family, he was not going to ask for that remuneration for appreciation that had for his master, but that did not happen and Ned did not say a word when Robert gave him that amount of money.

That certainly was not what he expected, he had to eliminate the boy, since with only a first impression he realized that the boy was a problem and more when he was going to be allied with Tywin Lannister who could get his daughter to become the queen of the seven kingdoms, he did not know what the golden lion did to win the support of the North and Dorne, but he was not going to allow him to have much power.

Tywin Lannister POV.

He was more than happy, not only he married his daughter to Robert, but he made the crown lose a great amount of money, he had to admit it the Stark boy was very smart, with the punishment that Robert gave to Mace the alliance he made with the king's hand was destroyed, since Mace wished to marry his little daughter who was right now thirteen years old, with the first son of Robert to have the royal lineage, but his plans were frustrated in a single day.

It was good because it took away from the game a great competitor as it was the house Tyrell currently the second richest house of the seven kingdoms, only surpassed by the Lannisters and knowing that they were not going to be close to the royal lineage while he is still alive is always good to count.

Then there were the alliances he formed, he was going to have to watch out for those two, Oberyn and Harry his eyes showed power, especially the boy, he had to make things right so the boy would not rise, try to make the north depend exclusively on house Lannister, no matter if he became much more powerful, he had to bind the north, the question was how.

He was a man of his word, they only asked that he let them do their life, he was not going to interfere in that, as he knew perfectly well that Jon was going to upset the north, so he hoped that the north would become strong enough to no longer depend on the crown, he hoped that with the money that the crown gave him, he would increase the military power a little and do some things.

But he only hoped for that, as he did not want to see an independent north with overwhelming power, as that was very dangerous, in itself the northerners were good warriors for war, being in a cold environment, made only the strongest survive, the northerners were made for war.

Just imagining that they would rise against the crown was bad, although they were few, there were already signs that the north was going to change since Moat Cailin was rebuilt, we only had to wait, and Jon would do his job as the hand of the king, meanwhile, he was only going to put the north in a margin, since from now on his main job would be to indebt the crown, making them depend on the Lannister house.

- "Brother, are you sure that those two should be left with so much freedom, Dorne was always the most rebellious of the seven kingdoms, and although of the seven kingdoms the North was the most peaceful it was all because of the Targaryen" - Kevan was not sure about supporting the North and Dorne in that way, as they were extremely dangerous, and at any moment they could rise especially Dorne, with the North he had his doubts, but still, it was something that had to be taken into account - "With the money that Robert gave to the Starks, although it benefits us it can also bring problems."

- "I know, and that's why I expect Jon Arryn to do his job, Dorne and the North, both are a danger, but I will keep my word" - Tywin didn't know it, but he was going to leave the North alone for a long time, who said Harry was going to play fair having the most dangerous person in all of Westeros in front of him, magic was something Harry was not going to hesitate to use if given the chance, besides it didn't change the golden lion's way of thinking at all, he was just not going to bother the North anymore.

Out of King's Landing

Harry had a huge smile on his face, not only did he recover all the money that the north spent in one year, but he recovered twice as much as he had spent, in one year he spent 3 million gold dragons, and the crown gave him back the three million he spent, and eight million that he was going to spend on improving the north much more.

They were going to be able to bring more blacksmiths, enlarge the fortresses of each house, and many more things that were going to help the north, since for now, he was only going to concentrate on the north, and he was going to leave the game of thrones aside, he was going to let these people kill each other for power since at any moment they were going to lose, seeing the advances of the north.

They were all with a desire to have more than they had, the Lannisters were only thinking of themselves and not their kingdom, and the Tyrells were on the same wanderings, when they go back to worrying about their kingdom again, the army itself could raise the north was going to exceed 100,000 soldiers.

Right now was the time to do several things, they could buy slaves from Essos, or another way to get the north more populated, something that helped the northern population certainly the coming of the inhabitants beyond the wall that were many more than he had expected.

Perhaps buying slaves was not the best option, but to let the north reproduce, he had to see what happened in the following months to know that, but of one thing he was sure, after all that, no kingdom could oppose the north, they were going to destroy them in a naval way as by land.

At the naval level, only the Greyjoy surpassed them in ships, but they were not ships like those that the north had, the currently north had 54 armed ships, and currently, they were on the hunt for pirates, to steal the ships, and later disarm them or in the best of the cases only to modify some little things depending on the type of ship and the state in which the Vikings left this ship since they were the main naval troop, an extremely big change for those formerly called savages since they were used to the land, but Harry saw no problem in changing their terrain, knowing that they would quickly get used to the sea and they did it perfectly, they were good for the land, as well as for the sea, just like the Persians, leaving the other armies on land.

Leaving aside the number of soldiers that could raise each house that was another important point, the Manderly was the main naval house, so their men worked much more at sea, and supported the Vikings, like the Karstark that put a part of their men at sea.

- "Let's go home" - Harry got on his horse, his uncle Ned was in charge of transporting the gold to Winterfell, the visit to the king's landing was faster than anyone had expected, as it was natural that some people stayed a while to see such a wonderful city - "There are many things to do, we can not waste time."

- "No doubt my Lord, it was fun" - Jon Umber spoke up, commonly called Big Jon due to his great size and toughness, and one of the most loyal lords to House Stark, who was no doubt extremely grateful for all that was happening in the North - "You missed a lot, Wyman."

- "I had things to do, this boy wanted to escape, I don't see why you give him this wonderful opportunity my lord" - Wyman spoke, he was not going to deny that the boy was a good fighter, but Artemisia gave him a beating the times he tried to escape which was certainly fun to watch, but one thing was for sure the boy was not going to get on any ship that the Manderly commanded - "From my point of view it's just a waste of time."

- "The hatred, in his eyes, we will take him north, and I will turn him into a Spartan" - Harry looked at the boy who was on Lord Manderly's horse, he was knocked out and tied so that he would not try to escape - "I assure you that when he is trained that way, there will be no person who can stop him."

- "No matter if he becomes a Spartan, I'll kick his ass as many times as it takes" - Artemisia listened carefully to her brother's words, they were not blood brothers, but he told them they are brothers and it was certainly good to have one, she never regretted coming to the north and becoming a Stark and being in a real family - "We Persians are better."

- "Spartans and Persians receive almost the same training, the difference is that Harry does not allow women to be Spartans, although that may change" - Benjen spoke to his nephew about that, and Harry explained that currently only Viking women can be Spartans and Mya that she had the requirements he desired in a Spartan which was strength, but he was sure that in time that would change - "Just have to see and wait what the gods have in store for the north."

The only one who did not participate in the conversation was Eddard Stark, who undoubtedly saw the change, the north changed dramatically and for the better, the most impressive thing of all was that so far all the lords he saw, followed his nephew who with only 14 years old calmly commanded the northerners about what had to be done.

He even knew what was going to happen in the war, and for that reason he did not give him much more men, he knew that they were going to be sacrificed, which hurt him because his own master was the one who sent so many men to death, he had an immense appreciation for Jon Arryn that appreciation was reaped in the war, and Jon sacrificed many men, who were his friends who followed him blindly.

Harry looked at his uncle Ned, right now he felt guilty, but he was not going to get into that, it was better that he thought very well about which side he was, because thanks to what happened, Ned was realizing that his master was not the person he pretended to be, Jon Arryn did not think of the North, because he did not come from there, but from the Vale, a kingdom with which the North had problems that they did not settle.

Because Harry did nothing with Ned because he knew that Jon was going to look for Ned to get information about the North, Arryn was going to look for information in the points where he thought he had influence and in the weak points of the North, which currently were only two, while in the only point where he had influence was in his uncle since he was his master, so he was going to look for him, first of all to him.

Knowing that he could not get anything with his pupil, he was going to look for the Boltons and the Whitehills, which leads to the betrayal of those houses and their total extermination.

Slowly he was going to make Jon Arryn have a headache, as he was able to get into his mind and see the people he wanted in the council seat, first, there were Robert's brothers, Varys the spider who had to be very careful with him, the maester who was chiefly loyal to the Lannisters and Petyr Baelish, the lover of Jon Arryn's wife, something extremely amusing, from his point of view.

Gaviota Port.

He is skilled in finance and trade, but most of all he was ambitious and did not mind at all using anyone to get what he wanted, formerly lived in Hotwaters, and grew up with the children of Lord Tully, Catelyn, Lysa, and Edmure, who gave him the nickname Littlefinger, in reference to the domain of his family and for how thin and small he was for his age.

Growing up, Petyr fell in love with Catelyn, who only saw him as a brother.

When she was twelve, it was announced that she was betrothed to Brandon Stark, heir to Winterfell. Upon hearing the news, Petyr challenged Brandon in single combat for her hand. Brandon won handily but spared Petyr's life in consideration of Catelyn's pleas.

He later learned that Brandon and Catelyn decided not to marry because they fell in love with other people, Catelyn with Brandon's brother Eddard Stark, and Brandon with Ashara Dayne. That made his fury increase, as Catelyn rejected him again for another worthless northerner, he never answered her letters, and now she had a child by that damned northerner, he was going to make the whole north pay for that, and Catelyn was going to realize that her biggest mistake was to reject them.

But to do that he needed help from someone, and luckily the sister of his beloved Catelyn had fallen in love with him, Lysa Tully, she was currently married to Jon Arryn, but she managed to convince her to give him control of the customs in Port Gull, to increase his profits, he was going to be the best job in this place so that later Jon would take him as a coin advisor. For that, he had poor stupid Lysa, and the only thing he had to do was to sleep with her, she was madly in love, that she did not realize that she was only being used for him to get what he wanted which is the throne, he was going to be the ruler of everything. And there was going to be no one to stop him.

- "Everything will be mine" - Petyr was leaving his room, since Lysa had come to visit him, and as a good person he had sex with her, imagining that he had sex with his beloved Catelyn, but Lysa did not care, thinking that giving him power would make him fall in love with her - "Nobody would expect that the poor and good Petyr Baelish would be a danger to everyone."