Chapter Fourteen

Harry and Marwyn were on their way to a cave where all the magical creatures were hidden, with the only purpose that they grow, there were creatures of all kinds, and in this place, they were extremely safe because they could grow with total naturalness and only some people could enter.

Inside this cave that Harry found and modified, 20 people were caretakers of the Ryswell house who were taking care of these animals, it is impressive that these people were chosen for this job, their pay was good as they had to take care of magical creatures that sometimes when trying to play were a bit violent and could bite you, like a Dragon that could spit a small flame of fire at you. These people were forbidden to say they were babysitting, and they lived in Winterfell with their family, they were not far from the central northern city, so it was a cut-through.

And the reason Harry and Marwyn were in this place was because the last remaining animal to be born had been born, or the last ones so to speak, it was a pair of phoenixes, getting a phoenix born was much harder than getting a Dragon to be born.

The phoenix is a magnificent red bird, the size of a swan, with a large golden tail, beak, and claws of the same color. The phoenix can live a very long time, as it regenerates, bursts into flames when its body begins to decay, and rises from the ashes like a chick. The Phoenix is a gentle creature, never known to kill, and eats only plants. They were loyal to their owner, and would always stay by his side, until the day of their death, when they would leave the place while still remembering their owner. Phoenix tears were healing, they could cure all kinds of wounds no matter what, as even the poison of any animal, a huge pharmaceutical business could be created out of that. But that was not the only thing a phoenix could be good for, in the north the warmth the phoenix gave was going to be very beneficial, especially when Harry wished to wipe out the white walkers, phoenixes were not fragile, they had a lot of power.

Marwyn stared at the phoenix chicks that were hiding in the coal jerky that Harry told them to put around them, as they were not going to burn, rather it helped their growth.

- "Magnificent creatures, don't you think so" - Harry put his hand towards the two chicks, who at the sight of Harry's hand climbed into it, to the gaze of Marwyn and those present, who saw that Harry was not afraid to burn - "So loyal" - The two chicks began to burn in Harry's palm, He calmly tossed them into the air, where the fire that covered the two chicks began to grow, and the cry of the eagle-like bird was heard, and the two phoenixes made their appearance - "Now it will be easier, to raise the other phoenixes."

- "My lord, can you do that with the thunderbirds?" - One of the keepers looked at Harry to do the same as he did with the two phoenixes, who were the quietest ones here, as they just stood there looking at them as if they were nothing - "It's not that easy to take care of them, and more so because they don't want to stay in one place."

- "It's been three months since they were born, you have to be patient Albett, you are the boss in this place" - Harry looked at the one who was in charge of the breeding of these animals, he was very good at his job and he did everything to the letter, every care that these creatures required, he did it perfectly.

- "There is nothing new my lord, all the animals that are here are in good condition."



Oberyn Martell had a very strange visitor in his enclosure, it was Petyr Baelish, what was he doing here, it was a question that did not need to be answered, his sister warned him about this man since Harry investigated him, he was not to be trusted, he was not going to trust him either.

From a very young age, Oberyn knew who to trust and who not to trust, but he did not pay much attention to those who were looking for something from him, those people always died, it was a natural process, they wanted to use him thinking they were going to get something, now he was no longer the prince of Dorne, now he was the one who ruled this kingdom and unlike his brother, he was more rebellious and much more dangerous.

So Oberyn looked at Petyr as if he were a snake about to attack its prey, he watched him carefully, every movement, every grimace on his face was going to be a sign for him. He was not a danger on a physical level, because Petyr was not a man who could fight, he didn't do that, he made other people fight for him, but on an intellectual level, he was someone you had to watch out for because he was like a scorpion.

- "So you want Dome's support, to harm the North... where my sister and nephews are living" - Oberyn was showing a calm face, as it was his nature not to show his anger, but inside he was already thinking how to kill Petyr, the only one who would be angry with him, would be his beloved sister - "You know, I am very vengeful, Jon Arryn, he was hunting my sister for who knows what things to do, and she is safe in the North... more than she can be."

- "I assure you, my Lord, that your sister will not be in danger, we only wish to know what the North is hiding" - Petyr came mainly because he wanted to see how he was going to act with the man in front of him because, after all, he was the one person you could not predict, his movements and thoughts, they were difficult things to know because his acting was one thing, but while he was doing something, his thinking was another - "That alone is our greatest interest, to know what the North is hiding... for it may undo the balance in the realm."

- "The only thing I want to undo right now is your face" - Oberyn got up from his seat and with a knife in his hand, he went towards Petyr who was trying to be calm, though no doubt he felt nervous because Oberyn did not hesitate to place his knife on Petyr's neck - "But I can't. You are the Master of Coins of the kingdom, one who is buying the king's landing brothels" - Petyr watched as Oberyn walked away again, but the nervousness as someone else knew about his business - "Stealing from the crown is bad, and more so when you think you are doing a good job.... if you want to play the game, don't be so obvious, there are people we are watching out for... one more dangerous than the other if you don't want to die, you'd better take my advice."

With that said Petyr understood that his stay in Dorne was over, Oberyn's subtle threat was not to be taken lightly, he was not someone you could play with and get away with it, he was not his brother, he was not going to wait for revenge, he was going to do it at a time when he thought it was time to strike.

And when Petyr left the place, his mistress Ellaria Sand, a carefree and energetic woman who shared Oberyn's tastes and enthusiasms in every way, was like the female version of him, she also had a rather fickle disposition towards violence, she was not a woman you wanted to play with, even if she didn't show it, she was a woman with a dark personality.

As Oberyn watched as his mistress entered the room with that sensuality that characterized her, although most people thought that he only used her as a sexual object, love existed between them, yes his sexual desire was great, but the only person he felt a sincere love for was Ellaria. Although she was a bastard, he never felt such compatibility with a woman and with Ellaria, for whom she did not care that she had two daughters who were not her, she brought them, raised them, and trained them, to turn them into strong warriors that would be feared by all of Domne and Westeros.

- "I see your guest, decided it was good to get out of here" - Ellaria went to sit on Oberyn's lap and then kissed him passionately as was natural for them, the kiss was so passionate that it looked like they were going to take off their clothes and have sex right there - "Our alliance is beneficial by the looks of it."

- "He is a cunning person, but not intelligent" - Oberyn was tempted to eliminate Petyr, but he was going to follow the plans his sister and Harry Stark had for this guy, he was going to weaken the crown so much, he was going to have his revenge on Robert Baratheon for trying to marry off his sister, and on Tywin Lannister, and the North would get what it wanted. - "A clever person doesn't go into the sea knowing it's infested with sharks."

- "I heard that the queen is beautiful, but her character is not to be liked, she is not a lioness, she is like a snake" - Ellaria had that smile, on her face how it would be to have a queen as a plaything, who had blood from the so famed house Lannister, the house of the lions, it was very exciting to think about that - "You can claim her as a prize, we will have fun together" - Oberyn gave a little smile at the words Ellaria said, which she found funny - "I am a bastard. ... I slept with a prince... playing is exciting."


Sea (Point unknown)

As always David Jones had no mercy on the ships that approached Port Kart, they didn't care if they were people fishing or anything else, people who come to be in such troubled waters didn't come just for that, for those he had to eliminate all of them, as no one can know that the North had more than two ports.

Don't leave anyone alive, that was the only thing you had to understand when you entered the crew of the Flying Dutchman, and you weren't going to live if you come across such a ship, David Jones was not one to show any mercy when it came to an attack, he received one order, kill them all, and he was going to follow that order to the letter, he was not as benevolent as Jack, who left alive children or men who seemed to be of any use to him, he knew that he could erase the memory of those people, but he was not that kind, he followed the rules, kill everyone, there was no distinction in that sentence.

The crew of the Flying Dutchman looked intently at their captain, who was looking at the floating bodies of the people they had just killed, as the rules said, no one alive, so now the tugs had to do their job and take the leftover pieces of the ship they destroyed.

- "Captain, this ship belonged to the royal fleet" - David Jones' first mate, and the most loyal to the captain of that ship, was looking at the flag that had the ship they had just destroyed, it was obvious that it was sent by the Hand of the King, so David Jones kept looking at the flag - "We sent a letter... we are heading to the port."

- "Send a letter to our lord, and we will make a small search for more little ships" - Jones removed the sword that was given to him, and pointed forward, causing a strong wind to blow against the ship, making it move at great speed, and then make another movement, and the fog that was behind them, cover them again - "We are the masters of all the seas, the Galleys are escort in front of a Galleon, and more one like the Dutch."

Ships that were propelled by paddlers were obsolete, although sometimes they were also propelled by the wind, they only happened to have a fairly large sail, but they were no longer usable for battle. Instead, a Galleon is a ship with the sole purpose of destroying, a big difference, plus you didn't need to spend energy on rowing, when there was no wind, because even then the galleon kept its pace, slower, but it was much better than a Galley, and now with this sword, the Dutchman was much more dangerous.

David Jones went to his cabin, where his hawk was, he did not choose an Owl like Barbossa or a Barn Owl like Sparrow, he preferred the fastest bird he had, his hawk was not in a cage, but it was kept in the cabin because so far he did not need its use, it was not like Barbossa's Owl that watched everything from the air and warned where he had to go, although it was input for that, it was not something necessary for David Jones, until today.

The hawk, when it saw its owner, went straight to his shoulder, so that the two of them could go out together.

- "Look for them" - With a simple command, the hawk took flight, no more orders than that was needed, after all, Maester Marwyn trained several birds for various purposes, messenger, location, and other branches, that only the maester knew, and of course Harry - "When the letter is done send him at once to Winterfell" - And the song was heard, his hawk had found someone - "Get ready... the order is simple... no one alive."



Arthur Dayne, Ashara's older brother, was quietly watching as new Persian warriors were being trained in the manipulation of two swords, they were very good, they were not swords like a knight so it made their manipulation much easier. That helped with the speed that was required to be a Persian, he was amazed at the rigorous training that the various special forces of the North, as his nephew called it, had, it was amazing that someone so young, only 16 years old, could raise a kingdom that was considered the weakest of all, and on top of that he had the time to train.

He didn't understand how he did it, but he always found a way to do it, that was something to admire because the dedication that Harry had for the North was absolute, everyone saw that and for that reason, everyone followed him, they followed him with faith in him, they followed him because they knew that Harry only wanted the best for his people. It was amazing in his mind how a 16-year-old boy could talk calmly with Lords twice his age and instead of him learning from them, it was the other way around, they learned from Harry.

Arthur was happy with his stay in the north, it was a quiet place, where he was going to be able to raise a family, although it was still a secret he was in a relationship with a Viking, who also knew how to hide this information as it was better for the moment to concentrate more on her work than on formalizing their relationship.

Arthur taught anyone who wanted to fight with a sword, and the person who stole his heart taught the new Vikings, or as they used to call her, a woman of steel, she was an excellent warrior, it was the first thing that caught his attention, how such a beautiful woman could fight with such tenacity. She was also in charge of guarding her sister when she traveled to Dome, on her visits, where she always arrived in a bad mood because her beloved father was furious that he decided to give up being a royal guard and be a knight in the North, according to his father he was a disgrace to the Dayne family as well as his sister, and speaking of sister.

Ashara appeared with her little Lyanna in her arms as expected, her sister was very overprotective of her children, and the only person who could force Harry to rest was the power of a mother.

- "My dear sister, what brings you here" - Arthur knew what his sister was doing, although Harry was an excellent ruler, Ashara was always watching everything that happened in Winterfell, a person she did not know, generated danger, her memory to recognize someone was incredible - "Besides bringing my beautiful niece, can't you let the maids take care of her for a moment."

- "She's Brandon's daughter when you least expect it she'll be starting a war," - Ashara joked something that even made her brother smile, as her late husband had that kind of character, - "I have to enjoy being a mother as much as possible because I won't have any more children after her."

- "You didn't think, about having another husband?" - Arthur asked out of the blue, knowing what his sister was going to say, for Ashara, her eldest son grew up at an incredible speed, just a short time ago she had him in her arms, and now he was a 16-year-old boy who ruled with an iron fist all over the North.

- "I'm not like other southerners' brother, I raised a family, sadly I lost my husband, but I won't have another, none will be like Brandon Stark" - Ashara knew that any man who tried to approach her, would only be because he wanted to be close to her son, so she wasn't going to have another husband, but once her children grew up maybe she could adopt another girl, who knows, she had Artemisia and Mya, but they grew up too fast too - "But let's not talk about me, when are you going to tell me that you're sleeping with Frenya."

- "I don't know what you are talking about sister, I am focused only on my work" - Arthur felt cornered as his sister without any hint of so much, said the name of the person with whom he was having a relationship, in secret, as it was not yet formalized, but his sister did not believe that at all, as Ashara had a skill of not being able to allow someone to lie to her, and if he does she realizes it instantly - "How did you know"

- "My husband was Brandon Stark, and my son is Harry Stark, raising Harry was harder than knowing you were having a relationship, and more so when I saw her leaving your room" - Ashara had a smile on her face, she still remembered when she saw Frenya leaving her brother's room, the woman could be fierce in combat, but even she felt fear when she discovered her - "I always have to make sure my son is not in the room, planning something, he needs rest he is still a child.... and in one of those I saw her leaving your room."

Ashara started to laugh at the sight of her brother's face which was uncovered by her little sister, who was much more sharp as she waited for the right moment as she wasn't going to wait to tell him that she knew his secret.

The laughter didn't last long as Harry appeared where they were, along with Mya who was complaining about some things, Ashara watched as her daughter was dirty too much in her opinion, which of course was not in her plans, as she had to rest today.

Mya seeing the look on her mother's face, knew that a scolding was coming to her, although she had the excuse to know about her scolding, her rivalry with Artemisia was very high, and she did not want to be left behind her sister, although if we talk about obedience, Artemisia was the most obedient to Ashara and although she is no longer in the castle, She had the vigilance of her uncle Benjen who had great respect for Ashara, and any sign of misbehavior from Artemisia could threaten to send a note to her mother, even though Mya and Artemisia were not blood daughters, Ashara controlled them very well.

- Mother, Uncle Arthur, I see you are talking about the clandestine relationship he has with Frenya," - Said Mya with the sole purpose of getting out of her mother's scolding.

Before Harry's eyes who only smiled at such a strategy, the laughter between the four of them was not long in coming, although it was a tense moment, Harry realized that in some moments, it was good to spend with your loved ones, even if it was only for a few seconds, it was good to laugh.


King's Landing

One thing Jon Arryn wanted to avoid at all costs was the great lion getting his paws on the king's council, but Tywin Lannister wasn't going to rest until he had someone in place or he had a position and worst of all, that man was now at the king's landing.

He wasn't sure why he was here, perhaps to put more pressure on Robert to change his hand, as he wasn't serving him well.

That was his biggest fear, he didn't want to admit it but he was afraid of what Tywin could be capable of when he wanted something, his time as the king's hand was the most prosperous for all of Westeros, even the North, the golden lion realized that you don't always have to watch the wolves, you just have to give them a few things, so they don't reveal themselves, but now those wolves were hidden, you couldn't see it, you wouldn't know what they were up to, they were hidden in their realm, that was bad.

And Tywin's quietness only meant that he knew what was going on in the North, he needed to know, to get the upper hand or maybe he was acting, he made it look like he knew what was going on, but in reality, it was like the other kingdoms, they didn't know anything.


POV Tywin Lannister (King's Landing)

Tywin did not come to the King's landing thinking of the King's hand, but of his beloved children, especially his daughter, so he came unannounced to the city where he caused some unrest, which he liked because it meant that the people in this place were afraid. After all, they did not know why he was in this place.

Influencing fear was necessary, you knew that nobody was going to do anything against you, because if they failed and were discovered, it was better for them to be dead, because he was going to find them and they would pay for their audacity, even his children were afraid of his presence, since he arrived and the only thing he asked for was a meeting with the two of them, he did not want to talk to Robert because he did not care, he was probably in some brothel, but neither did he care, he was not the King's hand to put him in his place, and he did not want an unnecessary conflict because although he knew he would win, he did not want to give his enemies the chance to see a chance to eliminate him, it was not yet time for him to put Robert Baratheon in his place, but sooner or later he was going to make it clear who was the person in charge.

- "Father, can you tell us the reason for your visit?" - Cersei was the first to break the ice, already nervous about her father's gaze, who was sitting down for a snack after a long journey, but Cersei's question was never answered by her father, and like her brother, she fell silent again.

Tywin continued to eat, savoring the delicious taste of the food, as well as the wine his beloved daughter was buying, with the money the Starks and the Lannisters provided, she had good taste, that was not to be denied at all, the Tyrells knew how to make high-quality wines, they were competition for the Lannisters for a reason and they took advantage of their daughter spending enormous amounts of gold for wine.

He would not deny that drinking wine was good, but you didn't have to abuse it, as queen you had to show a good side, but the information he had about Cersei was completely the opposite, she just ordered and ordered, and she drank too much, and showed a bad temper. And worst of all, she was still not pregnant, it was impossible to allow his daughter not to be pregnant, especially by someone who was a sex addict, Robert Baratheon only knew how to do two things, sex, and war, that was all he was good for from his point of view.

So sipping his last glass of wine, he looked at his two sons, they were his pride, but they turned out to be a great disappointment.

- "Can you tell me, why you don't have a son yet" - Was Tywin's simple question and he looked at his daughter, who tried to avert her gaze as she did not want to make eye contact with her father's fierce gaze - "1 year has passed since you became queen, you are not able to have a son, with Robert? The whores in the brothels can give him a son at any time, and you, you can't have a son" - Jaime was about to say something, to defend Cersei, but his father's fierce gaze made him think it was better he kept quiet - "A son of yours, would strengthen the Lannister power in Westeros, and you should have more than one because one of your sons will be my heir, since my eldest son committed the stupidity of becoming a knight, and my youngest son renounced the Lannister surname."

Cersei and Jaime looked at their father as he referred to Tyrion as his son, something that didn't happen very often or hardly ever, as they always saw contempt in his eyes when it came to Tyrion, the only one in the family who treated him kindly was Jaime, but they never saw Tywin Lannister do that, so they didn't know how to respond to such words spoken by the man before them.

Jaime thought his father was going to do everything he could to try to get him to renounce his vows as a Kingsguard, to take his place as his true heir, but apparently, he changed his mind.

On the other hand, Cersei kept looking at her father, because now she wanted him to have a child with Robert, it was true that at the beginning she loved him, and she tried everything to make them happy, but everything was over when he repeated the name of that woman every time they had sex, he did not talk about her, thinking that at any moment he would forget her, but the ghost of Lyanna Stark will always be there, and now her father asks her to support the king, to call her again in that way.

- "I hope my words were clear." - With that said, Tywin ended the conversation and left the room, leaving his sons alone, who remained seated, saying nothing.


Dorne (Starfall)

Starfield is the settlement of House Dayne, a noble house of Dorne, loyal to the Martells, its emblem is a silver sword and a shooting star crossed on a lavender field, according to legend the house was founded when a meteorite fell on the place where Starfield now sits, named in commemoration of this event.

A Domane knight extracted the strange metal from the rock, which had a bright whitish sheen and fashioned himself a sword which he called dawn. It is worth noting that the Dayne are rock-dwellers of the Red Mountains, and are descended from the First Men, making them one of the houses least influenced by Rhoynar culture.

From that house came several honored knights, but the one who made House Dayne one of the most important houses in Westeros was Arthur Dayne, but as he brought fame to House Dayne, he also brought disgrace according to his father, for instead of staying as a royal knight, he went North with his younger sister, the worst thing was that the North was now an unstoppable rising power, for there was no way of knowing what was going on there. Not even his daughter when she came to visit him said anything in the North, she just came to spend some time in her native home and nothing more.

Beric Dayne was the father of Arthur and Ashara who were currently his rebellious children, his fourth daughter Allyria was also following in the footsteps of her sister and brother, as she did not wish to marry the people he proposed.

The only one in this place who followed him was his eldest son, currently his pride, as Arthur spat in his face after he went North. But he was going to teach his son a lesson, he was going to do something that no one was going to be able to think, currently, everyone thought that House Targaryen was extinct, but they were completely wrong, but all these Lords were wrong, House Dayne would always be loyal to the dragons because, with his plans, he would finally take the throne that possessed the Martell, he would eradicate that house, and the Dayne would occupy that position. All with the help of Aemon of House Blackfyre, the black dragons and founders of the Golden Company.