Chapter Two - Goodbye old life (Edited)

The next morning, my last hopes collapsed with the woman's voice calling for a wash. I tried to get up my head hurt when I got up I fell out of bed, my vision dimmed, and I only heard a few girls calling a name.

A girl named Elizabeth lived in an orphanage, she did not get along well with the other children and was constantly bullied by them because sometimes things next to her moved by themselves.

Due to the mismanagement of Mrs. Martha (the caretaker who called wash) who enjoys tormenting the children with physical punishment, most of them including Elizabeth are quite sullen and most of them are difficult to adopt because of their personalities. She tends to be increasingly harsh with Elizabeth, as she is a very rebellious and brave child.

Most physical punishments such as being slapped, slapped on the hands, pinched, hit on the legs, or doused with ice water are no longer working, she fears overdoing it and leaving marks, so she has started with psychological punishments which included leaving her without food, locking her in a dark room or small places.

She doesn't know who her mother and father are, and only knows (according to Martha) that her parents didn't love her and threw her away.

When I opened my eyes my head hurt less, I was lying in that room next to me sitting was the girl I share a bed with, I was going to get up, and she stopped me, I had previously fainted and still had a fever, I was grateful to have received Elizabeth's memories, this body is 10 years old is quite resilient to the blows and rarely gets sick.

Now at least I know where I am. In a small community in England, a poorly run orphanage two sleeping rooms, one for girls and one for boys. The girl I share a bed with is called Anne, she is five years older, and although she is not a friend she tries to look after Elizabeth as they share a bed. The rest of the day I slept, woke up in the night and fell asleep again.

The next day, the alarm clock Martha did her job in a very noncommittal way, half checking my forehead with her hand and sending me to clean up.

This time I approached along with the other girls and humbly washed when I looked at the wet mirror I observed this face, wavy black hair, yellowish skin, bulging cheekbones, dark circles, and beautiful blue eyes, God this well-fed girl would look very pretty.

Breakfast was simple, tea with bread and soup from the day before, when I finished I imitated the others and washed my plate, then we went into another room where they started handing out basic study books, good to know I got all of Elizabeth's experience and I understand English otherwise it would be catastrophic to say: "Hey yo solo entiendo español wey que hago?"

A few hours later it was recreational time and I began to experience the bullying from the rest of the kids, if I were a girl I would suffer or cry, but come on I am 25 mentally their teasing causes me some laughter, but I must pretend it bothers me a little, or they might up the level of bullying and knowing Martha she will just enjoy watching the theater and then punish me if I hit some kid.

So the day continued, and the night came, again there was simple and unappetizing food, it makes sense how little appetite this body has if we see what I have to eat from now on.

To think that I went from a stable job where I could read and talk and start a business of my own, to being an orphan with malnutrition and a bleak future?

I will start to eat more, study more, prepare, and strive to either be adopted or live far away from here.