




/"I'm serious./" I said to Faine who rolled her eyes, I pouted and sent my deadliest glare toward her. We were discussing how delicious the cocktail piñata was, she didn't find that delicious, which I was strongly opposed to.

It was the day when I had to go to a party with Faine, Justin and Ashton which I don't understand why is he still doing here. He said that the prince will also be here, that's why he's going with us, I still find it that suspicious, I can't believe that Rhyker asked him, well more like ordered him to protect me. Currently, we were in the car vibing to the music that Justin put, I was behind with Faine who crossed her arms and glared at Ashton, the royal guardian ignored her intense stare. Our driver, Justin, decided to avoid the uncomfortable tension and hummed a song.