




The sun goes down and the night sky is already here, the soldiers cheered as they clinked their glass of beers. As I smiled sheepishly, maybe a little bit intoxicated.

/"And you know this is how she hates me. Because of my dick again./" David, the talkative dick man sat next to me again saying that he missed our talk because I wasn't grossed out by the fact he had a small dick but didn't want to admit it.

I should be happy that my man has a fucking big dick that could take me to heaven whenever I want.

I need to think holy thoughts, only holy thoughts.

/"Are you listening?/" He yelled and I jumped abruptly.

/"Yes, I'm listening about your small dick!/" I shouted accidentally, everyone looked at me with widened eyes and some people even tried to not laugh. I blushed in embarrassment and looked at David who wanted to cry, tears were filling up his eyes.

Gosh, I'm so stupid.