


Thank you, I should probably kill myself before the Prince kills me. He will probably send me to the cellar, make me eat those disgusting food and slice our throat but letting his future Queen get hurt.

I will miss Camélia.

/"What should we do?/" Peter asked with fear in his eyes.

/"Let's pray before the royal highness kills us./" I said seriously and got on my knees.

/"Dear God, I'm sorry for not protecting Hemilia-/"

/"Idiot! Pray with your hands close./"


/"Are you serious?/" I asked Roman who gulped nervously.

/"Affirmative./" He said quietly, I growled and threw my stuff on the ground in fury, Roman and Ashton got away from me as quick as they can.

I let my head throw down as I closed my eyes tightly.

Hemilia got kidnapped. She got kidnapped.
