Ella went back to sleep, she didn't see the stranger with them, she was safe in her daddy's hand what else does she need or want. Luca placed Ella back into the bed making sure she's fully covered hiding her body from the intruder. He turned to the angel and frowned, why is he still in the room? Actually was is he in the room to begin with?
Luca dragged the stranger back up through the terrace and sent a message to his assistant, he lives alone with Ella on the top floor but he also own the tower, he's been around for too long, his father also had money tones of it, even while living in hell he made sure he got ways to live on earth if needed.
The lower floors, they had demons, fallen angel and even few vampires and humans, Luca always did a background check on anyone living in his building making sure no one is any danger for his baby angel. Luca waited his right hand made it upstairs, Marco a demon, Luca's childhood friend, he's the only one he really trust around his baby and he never failed or betrayed his trust.
/"Marco show our guest one of the guest room, downstairs/" Luca says the word guest with disgust, Marco eyes the angel, with curiosity, they never host angels, well none other than the sleeping baby angel. Marco loves the little trouble maker, she's the cutest thing ever and she loves playing with him, he refuse to let anyone touch or hurt the angel, he's more than ready to kill the guy with white wings right now.
He obeyed and walked the so called gest downstairs to his own apartment and showed him the extra room, keep your friend close and your enemy closer. Once out of their home Luca went back to his bed he cuddled the baby angel who moved her head over his chest and went back to lightly snoring. Luca mumbled a quick protection spell around them before falling asleep making sure his baby would stay safe.
Luca woke up alone, looking down his chest he saw his angel teddy bear, Shazzy but not baby angel, only the purple teddy bear. Luca jumped out of the bed in search for his baby, it's not like her to leave the bed without him, it's against her rules to leave the bed alone.
The fallen went on a crazy search for the little angel, she wasn't in their bedroom, he went into the living room but she wasn't watching TV like he hopped. He moved to the kitchen and still no Ella, he went toward her play room his last resort but still no Ella.
The fallen angel got angry and went to outside ready to fly around the city in search for his baby, did the other angel dared to touch her? Once on the terrace he saw his little angel, still in her pajamas, her wings were out, white and beautiful. He walked toward her stalking her like a little pray, she is his little pray this morning, walking toward her in silence, she kept flapping her wings up and down.
He came from behind her and hugged her from before, trapping her wings between their bodies, he then covered her body with his wings, trapping her in a tight cocoon of their own. He heard her gasp, she knew better than going outside alone, especially in her PJ, Luca is very possessive of her.
/"You got something to say?/" the fallen whispers in the angel ears making her turn around his arms and giving him her best puppy eyes.
/"Sowwy daddy, you took forever sleeping/" she explains quickly trying to avoid a punishment.
/"And what did I say about leaving bed without me?/" he ask her in a serious note.
She knew she messed up, looking down to her own feet but he knew her by now they've been living together for about six months. He lift her chin up with his finger making her look at him, she knew he meant business.
/"Go inside, wait for me in the bathroom/" he order her.
She walks inside still trying to show him she's sorry, he's always scared someone will kidnaps or hurt her, she live with a fallen angel, his best friend Demon and a building filled with badass people.
She waited for a full minute before Luca came in after her, he wasn't happy or smiling, he took her clothes off and her night time pull ups, he told her to do her business before getting clothes for the day.
He brushed her teeth, hair and styled it in half up, half down before dressing her in a T-shirt and some jeans short. He kicked her out of the bathroom while he got ready next, he seemed to be mad, more mad than leaving the bed without him asks for.
She wanted to go and run toward Marco's apartment and hide there but her daddy was already mad. She stayed sat on the bed until he came out of the bathroom dressed in his usual black jeans, black shirt, his wings tucked in.
/"There's someone I want you to meet today/" Luca says between gritted teeth, he hates introducing his baby to that angel but he need to keep her safe no matter what.
Ella was her happy self and said yes, all excited to meet new people, except this person she won't like.