

The angel walked into the so-called club, he saw the other humans walking inside, mostly men. A bouncer checked him up and down before letting him in, the angel knowing nothing about this place he was. He took a seat on one of the tables, a waiter came dressed in a short, extra short skirt with a revealing top and asked for his order. She asked what he would like to drink and he said whine, one of the things the angels drink.

His drink was brought back soon enough in a clean shiny glass, he took a sip and looked around not seeing much of heaven or angels. The whole place was painted with red color, and weird polls around, and a stage in the middle. A man dressed in a white suit walked out to the stage and went to the microphone before talking.

/"Welcome everyone, tonight we have some angels coming down from heaven for your entertainment,/" the guy says and Daniel looks up wanting to see the angels.