

After her breakfast the little angel was asked to go down for her class with Daniel, she stomped, pouted, and overall showed how mad she is at that, she'd prefer to spend a day with Luna, they could go shopping or play with makeup or better yet, talk about guys.

She walks into Marco's apartment and calls for her puppy, the hound came running right away toward his owner. She only had to bend to touch the hound, with how little she is and how large a hell hound is the distance wasn't much.

Max whose real name is nothing similar to max ran toward her, trust a baby angel to tame a hellhound to protect her and act like a puppy for her.

/"Is Marco feeding you well?/" she asks seeing how sleek the hound is, he doesn't even need food. Well except for the flesh of the sinners, his body is filled with muscles, a killing machine, licking her palm and waiting for treats.