

The fallen made it just in time to catch Ella, if he was few more seconds late, she'd be crushed against the sidewalk. He didn't know or understand why she's not in his building, in his home where she's safe, where he got all his protection spells. Time for questions would be later, for now he had to save her, he had to keep her safe.

Flying Ella back up to the roof wasn't an option, leaving the demon alone with Daniel wasn't either, he'll have to endure heaven's wrath for letting one of theirs be killed by one whom he's supposed to be in charge of. He set her on the sidewalk and took off toward the roof again, the baby angel started to cry, she was sobbing now, her daddy just left her.

Luca made it to the roof, seeing the demon lord standing over Daniel's still form, he got a big gash on his chest from his fight with the demon lord.