



Micah POV.

Trust is something that's not given but earned, a baby would always trust his mother, he trusts her to feed him, keep him warm, take care of him. Trust is blind, every kid would follow his mother to hell knowing she'd keep him safe, but then we as grow up, the trust shifts, we meet friends, one we trust with our deepest secret, one we share things with. Then we become teenagers, we trust our lovers, the ones who we fell in love with to honor our love, our relationship, to be there for us as we are there for them.

But then comes the biggest trust of them all, we trust our families, we trust our mommy, daddy, we trust the people who should have worked hard to get us the childhood we deserved, to get us to live happily, but what happens when that trust is broken, what about the small child who got burned in hell, about the friend who told everyone your secret or the lover who betrayed you.